I enjoyed it, but really need to see it again to get the most out of it. More of the jokes should pop-out on rewatching, as they did with Hot Fuzz. For example, all of the pub names relate to the action onscreen, which I mostly missed.
Just watched this. had not seen a single trailer or read a single review. Yes, I went in completely blind. Needless to say, there was a major WTF moment a third of the way in. Was NOT expecting the film I just saw.
You ever seen one of those movies where, just as the credits roll, you think about the ending you just saw, then think about how the movie started, and think to yourself, "How the **** did we get here?"? yeah, this was that, but it was one hell of a ride.
there was one funny thing though
when I first saw that statue, i jokingly thought to myself, wouldn't it be funny if the thing moved?
This was such a ridiculous film, and I liked it for it's ridiculousness. Which it had, in spades.
The ending superseded all others in it's utter ridiculousness.
Wonder what he's going to do next?