Thief of Time question (not for the squeamish)

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Jun 3, 2009
#41 said:
lets have a competition , who has the most orifices bet i win :eek: ;)

2 eyes
2 ears
1 old boy (male twinkle)
2 arseholes ;) :laugh: (1 is sticking out of my stomach)
2bellybuttons(when they sowed me back up they literally went straight back up hence 2)

go on then beat that :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
If you're referring to your belly button, that would be a second gullet, not a second arse.

Now, if you're referring to a colostomy bag, that would be a different matter.... do you poop out of your paunch?


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Dotsie said:
It's more of an invagination (yes that is a real word - it means a narrow indentation) than an orifice. How deep does an invagination have to be before it's an orifice? And what about the GI tract, it goes all the way through so when does that stop being an orifice and start being a tube?

People are complicated, and that's a fact.
Is the crack between the cheeks an invagination?

J-I-B :eek:

Aug 12, 2008
swansea south wales
kakaze said: said:
lets have a competition , who has the most orifices bet i win :eek: ;)

2 eyes
2 ears
1 old boy (male twinkle)
2 arseholes ;) :laugh: (1 is sticking out of my stomach)
2bellybuttons(when they sowed me back up they literally went straight back up hence 2)

go on then beat that :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
If you're referring to your belly button, that would be a second gullet, not a second arse.

Now, if you're referring to a colostomy bag, that would be a different matter.... do you poop out of your paunch?

ive got an ileostomy not a colostomy same sort of thing different side :)


Dec 30, 2009
Dublin, Ireland
I just checked it out and apparently: ears, ear canals, eyes, sweat glands, anal, nipple, naval, urethra, va@@@a, mouth and sweat glands all count as bodily orifices. So that makes 15 orifices excluding all the pores.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
But we have masses more than 1 sweat glands and the same for nipples (which are redundant in males... ;) ) and skin really isn't an orifice as such - it's waterproof for a start (externally anyway) :rolleyes: - that's just silly ;)

Also the ear canal counts as a separate orifice to the ear? - twaddle! :laugh: the Eustachian tube perhaps, but that's not an external opening so doesn't count - and anyway it's a tube - like the navel was... :rolleyes:

This is silly - lets call it major 'working' orifices, admit eyes on that basis as they 'leak' bodily fluids and wash the eyeball and forget sweat/milk pores :p


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Jan Van Quirm said:
This is silly - lets call it major 'working' orifices, admit eyes on that basis as they 'leak' bodily fluids and wash the eyeball and forget sweat/milk pores :p
Agree with all but the eyes. Don't know what Wiki says, but common sense would stipulate that a bodily orifice SHOULD be something you can stick gently stick something into a little bit without actually damaging any surrounding or obstructing tissue or organs. Can't say that for eyes or nipples, regardless of what the punks and skinheads do with 'em. Yuck. Maybe the auditors had the right idea after all.



Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
raisindot said:
Agree with all but the eyes. Don't know what Wiki says, but common sense would stipulate that a bodily orifice SHOULD be something you can stick gently stick something into a little bit without actually damaging any surrounding or obstructing tissue or organs. Can't say that for eyes or nipples, regardless of what the punks and skinheads do with 'em. Yuck. Maybe the auditors had the right idea after all.


It stuff that comes out as well as with the nose (runny stuff) and the mouth (spit and vomit) and most of the nether region orifices too (or both in and out in some cases, notably female twinkles - as in babies and other messy inconvenient stuff) :twisted:

Eyes stay in... :laugh:


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Jan Van Quirm said:
It stuff that comes out as well as with the nose (runny stuff) and the mouth (spit and vomit) and most of the nether region orifices too (or both in and out in some cases, notably female twinkles - as in babies and other messy inconvenient stuff) :twisted:

Eyes stay in... :laugh:
Agree that stuff coming out is definitely officially orificial in nature. But, given that you can't always RELY on something to come out of an orifice on demand (ummm, I can only speak for us menfolk, obviously), I submit that the :"stick something gently into it" test is rely the only reliable way to determine what an orifice. Now, if you can stick something in your eye without having an Oedipal reaction, I will give you the "eyes" as orifices.




Jul 28, 2008
Jan Van Quirm said:
Eye-drops - they are absorbed and clear infections. :twisted:

I had a blocked tear duct once and the eye-drops I was prescribed cleared it so it had to have been absorbed in some fashion
No, the anitibiotic sits on the surface of the eye, which is where the bacteria are also found. If the bacteria were internalised you would eiher kill them or get septicaemia. So if the antibiotic got absorbed it wouldn't be where the bacteria were, and it wouldn't be much good, would it? ;)

Chloramphenicol (the antibiotic in eyedrops) is very strong but also very toxic. This is why it is only used in eyedrops, because it isn't absorbed by the body.


Jun 3, 2009
Jan Van Quirm said:
nipples (which are redundant in males... ;) )
Shows what you know. I use mine on a regular basis. :laugh:

Jan Van Quirm said:
Eye-drops - they are absorbed and clear infections. :twisted:
And my skin absorbs hand lotion & sunscreen, but it's an organ, not an orifice, as you pointed out earlier.

If we're using the "stuff comes out" basis to measure orificity, what about saliva glands, and whatever produces mucas in the sinases?

If it comes to that, technically, our gastro-intestinal tract is considered "exteral" surface (since it's a tube running through our body), so how about stomach-acid & bile glands?

Is anyone else beginning to feel full of holes? I think I've just discovered a new phobia; perforatiophobia - the fear of being poked full of holes! :laugh: Closely related to Trypanophobia.

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