I found that scene in the book amusing rather than reprihensible I must admit. I had never looked at it from that point of view before. I've liked seeing Vimes grow into a dedicated man to his job and family and so on but he'll always have a bit of tarnish on him which is why I like him. I suppose the scene in that book illustrates that nicely. He's got good intentions, he just arrives via a different route to everyone else.
I liked Thud very much. I liked its general message of hating/fighting someone else because they are different is just daft. I don't think the girls night out bit took anything away from it and I enjoyed reading a new side to some off duty coppers. I did find Angua to be more acerbic but I mostly put that down to the fact that she's been in the AMCW for quite a while now and seeing the ar*e end of humanity for any stretch of time is bound to turn you a little cynical and bitter.
I liked Thud very much. I liked its general message of hating/fighting someone else because they are different is just daft. I don't think the girls night out bit took anything away from it and I enjoyed reading a new side to some off duty coppers. I did find Angua to be more acerbic but I mostly put that down to the fact that she's been in the AMCW for quite a while now and seeing the ar*e end of humanity for any stretch of time is bound to turn you a little cynical and bitter.