SPOILERS Thud! Discussion *Spoilers*

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Apr 29, 2009
I have just been mooching about Amazon, looking at Where's My Cow? when I came across this review:

This is a sad day for me - I feel let down and ripped off by Sir Terry. This is not the "where is my cow" book Vimes reads to his son in "Thud!".

WARNING: This is not a children's book. This is not even a separate book - it does not stand alone. It is only (rather lazy) EXCEPTS from the novel "Thud!" with child friendly pictures by M. Grant; half "where's my cow" and half "where's my daddy?". To appreciate this book, you should first read a Pratchett book with Vimes in it, but preferably "Thud!".

MISREPRESENTATION ALERT: The page shown in the Amazon "look inside!" feature is not an introduction. This is what you can expect from the whole book. Also, the reviews on the back and the "ook!" book award as "children's winner " are funny and fictitious, but also grossly MISLEADING. No child could enjoy this book - the paper is too thin and light for little fingers to even touch, and most importantly...
< SPOILER ALERT > ...you never find the cow...!

This book is not for kids.
This book is not interesting.
This is a fancy brochure.
This is not my book.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I'm not sure what the reviewer was expecting. Anyone having read Thud! would already know the basic gist of WMC. And anyone who has ever read a book aimed at a child that age would know that they are not meant to be great works of literature. Indeed, anyone who has ever read such a book to a small child will know how repetitive, boring and lacking in plot they are. Nevertheless, kids of that age seem to love that about them.

As for the Oook Award being misleading . . . I find that almost funny that someone who has read Pratchett wouldn't have 'got' it.

The only thing I would agree with in that review is that you really need to have read DW books with Vimes in to appreciate what's going on - why there are hippos in there and who the hell CMOT and Vetinari are.

I'd call it a companion to Thud!, maybe a spoof of such children's books, but I know for a fact that many Pratchett readers have gotten the book for their children, read it to them and it has obviously been loved.

Several thousand junior Discworlders cannot be wrong. ;)
Apr 29, 2009
My friend Mary's grandson, Luke, absolutely loved it, and insisted that any visitors to the house sit down immediately upon arrival, and read it.

He was about 11 at the time! :laugh:
Apr 29, 2009
In fact, I gave Luke my Johnny & The Bomb, etc, books (and Eric) as he had problems with very mild dyslexia, and I hoped they might encourage him to read.

He loans out the J&TB, etc, books to friends who are ill, etc, but NEVER lets Where's My Cow? out of his possession!! :laugh:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I went to the Amazon page and read the other 1 star reviews. They all don't seem to get it at all.

I have to say that I have a copy of WMC, but it was a gift - I doubt I would have bought it for myself. The thing is, we have the choice whether we buy these things or not and, if you don't want it, or don't think you'll like it, then don't buy it.

I doubt, for example that I'll bother with The World of Poo. I haven't got and am not interested in getting Nanny Ogg's cookbook, or the diaries or the calendars. It's the novels I'm interested in. :)


May 20, 2012
Tonyblack said:
I went to the Amazon page and read the other 1 star reviews. They all don't seem to get it at all.
Their loss. I know that many people lack some degree of whatever it takes to appreciate the triple-layered story in WMC. Whatever it is, I'm glad I have it.

Tonyblack said:
I doubt, for example that I'll bother with The World of Poo. I haven't got and am not interested in getting Nanny Ogg's cookbook, or the diaries or the calendars. It's the novels I'm interested in. :)
To each his own.

I debated whether to buy The World of Poo, but decided to because in this one area I am almost - not quite - a completist, and it does have a story, however slight. I don't have the calendars, but I do have the diaries - they have text in them, and I like Kidby's artwork. I feel that there's enough text in each diary to qualify as a mini-short story. I had to buy extra copies of Nanny Ogg's Cookbook, because first my sister wanted a copy of her own, and then she lent it to a friend who needed to know about wakes (real life reason), and the friend said she would only return it when she got her own copy. I consider NOC a useful book, that happens to have some recipes. For me, the opening notes and the long section of Nanny's advice in the back qualifies as a short story, and if I can buy a large anthology to get one story (as with The Sea and Little Fishes), I can consider the character sketches associated with the recipes as extras in an anthology.


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
=Tamar said:
I had to buy extra copies of Nanny Ogg's Cookbook, because first my sister wanted a copy of her own, and then she lent it to a friend who needed to know about wakes (real life reason), and the friend said she would only return it when she got her own copy. I consider NOC a useful book, that happens to have some recipes. For me, the opening notes and the long section of Nanny's advice in the back qualifies as a short story....
I had never seen a copy of NOC until Catchup generously sent me her copy. It was much better than I expected it to be. The opening "letters" from the editors and publishers to each other are a riot and the Nanny Ogg commentaries are well done. To me, the narrative 'voice' seems a bit like Briggs imitating Pterry, but the ideas themselves certainly seem Pterry's.


Jul 11, 2012
NSW, Australia
I'm not much of a reviewer, so this is just a comment to say that I just finished reading Thud! I found it another enjoyable Watch book, the only sad bit being that its the last in the series besides Wheres My Cow. There was some solid character development with Angua and Detritus, would have been nice to have one more book to see how it all played out. Like an earlier comment suggested, Anguas reaction to Sally did seem a bit over played given the history. You can see why though, it allowed some interesting dialogue/situations between the two, especially when they were stuck in the dwarf mine.

On a side note; did anyone else entertain the thought about the security of your house attacked from below? It never even crossed my mind before I read this book. The sentiment was amplified by having a 2 year old, and a 3 month old in the house. Damn you pTerry. If they ever find real life dwarfs we are all in trouble.

Im a bit lost now as to what to read next. I really really enjoyed the Watch books. Can someone let me know if Wheres My Cow extends on from Thud! Or is it completely different? I might go back and finally find out what happens to Rincewind post Colour of Magic.
Where's My Cow is a meta storybook, it's parallel to the events in Thud! but doesn't rely on them at all.

And there's been another Watch book since then - Snuff, which was released Oct 2011 (and is out in Paperback already).
It's got its own spin-off too, "The World of Poo" which is a book that young Sam loves (in Snuff).
Probably an old version! After all, Snuff is only a year old. I do know Krzysztof did do an update earlier this year, which was hosted at Discworld Fanatics, but that website has now been shut down, so I don't know if the new Reading order guide has been hosted anywhere else.

As good as L-Space is, a lot of its content has not been updated for quite some time.


New Member
Feb 6, 2014
Last reading book of PTerry become my fave. Don't know why. This time is Thud!. Dwarfs, trolls. I was like "oh, my god, easy answer" and Detrius knock on the head "Remember":). One thing I don't like - Angua breaking Nobby relationship with Betty. I was like "no, no, don't do that, Angua, why why, Nobby deserve the girl". I really want Nobby was happy with that four inches clothed girl, her dance skills is great.

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