Lady Vetinari said:
poohcarrot said:
Hang about just a minute!
What's with this "batch of typical males" wild assumption?
Who says the Grags are males? Couldn't they just as easily be females?
How would anybody know? If they don't know that Rhys is female, how do they know that their fellow Grags aren't female?

Who'd have thought the day would come when I agree with Pooh!
The "batch o typical males" was semi-humorous--I found it very funny. But as to the Grags being females, or not having any idea that Rhys is female, that is abundantly clear in the book.
When Sam & Angua first meet Ardent and he objects to The Sergeant did not accompany Sam to the meeting in his office. When Sam questions him, his answer is "The obvious reason," said Argent. "She is openly female." And Sam has to insist over Ardent's objection that Angua (a female Watch officer) should accompany him. Ardent consistently dismisses the knowledge of women. He and he Grags reject the authority of the Low King because he is "Wishy-washy. Dangerously liberal. Shllow. He has seen the light." This rather strongly suggests that they have not recognized Rhys as female--they just object to his policies.
But when Bashfullson confronts Ardent at he cave, he uses a very significant word
Ha'ak!. That is the word which has been used as a term of outrage toward Cheri in
5th Elephant. Exactly what it means we do not learn, but Detritus knows it's a "bad word" and threaten to shoot anyone who uses it again on their trip to Beonk. It is used about Chreri by the conservative canditate, Albertson, and Sam threates him with "repercussions" if it is used again.
In other words--it's quite clear from the two books that the male Dwarfs, even including Carrot, are shocked and appalled to find that their daughters or any dwarf does not choose, uniformly, to adopt what is essentially a male role as being truly Dwafih. Cheri doesn't like drinking beer and singing about gold She doesn't like using an ax though she will if necessary. That's why she's such a shock to all the traditional deep-down dwarfs. It is simply inconceivable that the Grags in
Thud! realize that Rhys is a female Dwarf.