To anyone that read Lords and Ladies BEFORE Witches Abroad

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Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Yes, II.

Witches Abroad, like Maskerade, kind of stand outside the main narrative arc of the series, which focused on Lancre. If you just read Wyrd Sisters, Lords and Ladies and Carpe Jugulum as your main meal, you could save the other two as dessert, although if you can read them in order, it's still preferable.

The only think you miss by not reading WA before LL is a little bit of context for some of the character motivations, particularly Magrat. But it stands very well by itself.


Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
I've read all the witches series in publication order 'cos I've been reading Terry since the mid 80's (after Light Fantastic).

Like Pooh and Raisindot say it really doesn't matter what order they're read in as the chain of events are sort of distinct from each other and the focus keeps the previous one having too much of an effect on the antagonist or plot content of the 'present' one.

This is more or less common to all of the Discworld serial lines except the Watch ones, up to Jingo perhaps, as the progression/development there is important, with the Watch growing ever more influential and diverse ;) All the others stand up OK in isolation, although the publication order for the serials does make them more satisfying to re-read funnily enough - but maybe that's just the pedant in me :laugh:


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
With these questions I always think the only person who CAN answer is another person who has read Lords and Ladies before the witches books. Some of the DW books do stand alone; we all know that, but our brains don't "unlearn" what we already know about the characters or places as they appear in another book. (and no puns about Altzheimers please :laugh: ) Its not that you CAN'T read one book before another. The question should be: "Would I enjoy Lords and Ladies more if I read the witches books first".
deldaisy said:
With these questions I always think the only person who CAN answer is another person who has read Lords and Ladies before the witches books. Some of the DW books do stand alone; we all know that, but our brains don't "unlearn" what we already know about the characters or places as they appear in another book. (and no puns about Altzheimers please :laugh: ) Its not that you CAN'T read one book before another. The question should be: "Would I enjoy Lords and Ladies more if I read the witches books first".
To which I say you really should read them in order.


Dec 7, 2010
I actually did read Witches Abroad after Lords and Ladies, but thanks to the Internet and the Discworld Companion, I wasn't exactly lost.

In fact, the last Discworld book I ever read before having read every book in continuity was actually Equal Rites, although I forget whether I had read Wintersmith before or after it. But after that, I've read each one that's come out in sequence, though that's only three books (Making Money, Unseen Academicals, and I Shall Wear Midnight).

I think the first ever Discworld book that I ever read was Soul Music, as I had played a demo of the PS1 version of Discworld II (but never got around to buying the full game, and probably won't get a chance now) and had seen the animation of Soul Music.


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
DaveC said:
Beyond Birthday said:
I only just started it so no opinion yet. I might post here again once I have one.
I enjoyed the first few pages...and more.
Well, I hated the first few pages. Maybe the worst few pages he ever wrote. Page 1 was complete pants, and page 2 was extremely nasty. Page 3 got a little better, but page 4 seemed to be a relapse. I almost put the thing down permanently after nearly vomiting after reading the first 38 words of page 5, but starting with the 39th word things picked up considerably and by page 6 it was smashing good the rest of the way.



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