Hi all!
I am back from Canada - was on a business trip there. Loved country and people - the weather was aweful - compared to Ireland - 29 plus more than 60 percent humidity - killing me.
Well, back to the topic, please, don't feel that you offended/hated me - that wasn't my intention. As Father Ted described Father Jack: "Likes the Old Drink. Hates children. And never approach him from behind."
I am different a little bit - I adore kids. The rest is pretty much the truth I would say.
In any case, I was serious about what I said but I thank you that you are not! Life is for being alive!
If anybody hates me - this is their/his/her problem!
Jan, never thought that my words would touch you this way - my apologies - I would say as the old Bertie said: "I say...". I am sorry if I troubled you. Really I just wanted to say the fact - the way we studied our classics - all behaviour should be based on the codex of being a loyal member of your party. That's it.
In any case,
Sorry if I troubled all of you - didn't want anybody to go over the Edge