Torchwood: Miracle Day

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City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
It was ok I thought. The problem really was that the whole thing went on for too long. I thought the ending to be a bit of an anticlimax. The thing with the blood seemed a bit of a cheat - unless I missed something, it seemed a bit too contrived.

But all in all I enjoyed the series. It was a shame we lost that female doctor so early as I liked her a whole lot more than the blonde. :laugh:

And I couldn't believe they got rid of Nana Visitor so quickly. :(

David Brown

Jul 4, 2011
West Sussex
Sooner or later, they killed of almost all the sympathetic characters.

Still, it wasn't as bleak as Children of Earth. After that I had to watch a Strindberg play for light relief. ;)

Kin Arad

Aug 22, 2011
Tonyblack said:
It was a shame we lost that female doctor so early as I liked her a whole lot more than the blonde.
I was the other way round - when she (doctor) died, i was thinking ' at least it wasn't the blonde one' o_O (can't remember their names)
I just watched the last episode tonight - i cried at the end, i'm such a wuss :oops: i enjoyed it, but i didn't like the bit with Ray (???) at the end - i felt that it was....not right...

Aug 12, 2008
swansea south wales
it was too long but i did enjoy it and the last was very good other than that overpowering music. also i am not homophobic but there is no need of that much in a program, we all know captain jack will sh@g anything that moves, you dont have to be that graphic about it when you know that kids are going to sky plus this because of the doctor who connection. yes i know about censoring wot your children watch but you can garuntee that some kids will have slipped thru the net, watching on iplayer or the like
Apr 29, 2009
Kin Arad said:
but i didn't like the bit with Ray (???) at the end - i felt that it was....not right...
Do you mean Rex?

I gave up about 4 or 5 episodes in. It went on far too long. 5 or six episodes for the whole story would have been fine.
Kin Arad said:
Tonyblack said:
It was a shame we lost that female doctor so early as I liked her a whole lot more than the blonde.
I was the other way round - when she (doctor) died, i was thinking ' at least it wasn't the blonde one' o_O (can't remember their names)
I just watched the last episode tonight - i cried at the end, i'm such a wuss :oops: i enjoyed it, but i didn't like the bit with Ray (???) at the end - i felt that it was....not right...
I liked that bit with Rex, seemed logical and they could now drop Gwen if she wanted and just have Torchwood be a partnership between the two of them. :laugh:


Dec 29, 2009
Unfortunately, with the 'Americanization' of the program I can see her being dropped to making just cameo appearances. I enjoyed it, but no more than I would any other X Files type program. I just feel (and this is in my own opinion and could well be wrong) that since the American money and influence has been involved, the show has lost much of its British eccentricity and flavour that the previous series had. I might not bother too much with the next series having struggled with this one (I gave up after a couple of series of 'Lost', 'X Files', 'Heroes', etc as well).

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