Truly terrible news...they're making a new Buffy film...

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Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Sounds like she got her come-uppance for that piece of BS already - Scooby Doo and 2 hardly lit up the skies for more than 5 mins.

Looks like the Xander actor's take's the most sane view. TV/film people like to tinker but until the cameras start rolling it's all hype and empty hype at that - there's a scriptwriter developing a new format. Fine. Doesn't mean they'll go with that or that the new 'do' will end up changing everything or anything at all come to that.

The worst thing that could happen is to have a popular but aging cast frozen in teendom and desperately trying to maintain that for the next 10 years or whatever - look at Bill Shatner in ST the original series. He'd had his sell-by date long before they did the first movie so they placed him in a different role to mitigate the accretions of time and he still looked ridiculous, if entertainingly so on a 'so bad he's a genius' basis :rolleyes: :eek: Also the latest ST blockbuster was absolutely wonderful, keeping everything that counted and smartening up the old stinky ham stuff. The timeline tinkering worked well enough not to cause too much anomaly for die-hard fans of all the later versions too so - just wait and see. Maybe they'll be as successful with Buffy and if they're not, then so what? It's not going to eclipse the TV success and if it's really bad then DON'T WATCH IT ANYMORE! :eek: :laugh:

All things must pass after all. ;)


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Quatermass said:
Sarah Michelle Gellar bitched about the Gold Coast, from what I remember, during or after the filming of Scooby-Doo. She can go and do something anatomically inconvenient with a wooden stake.
I had a friend working on that movie at Movieworld and apparently she bitched 24/7. Pulled a real drama queen act.


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Bouncy Castle said:
My dreams have crumbled a little hearing that. I always thought she came across as very nice.
Bouncy you have no idea the crap she stirred up over here.
and when she got bad press for it she really really ramped it up. She and her hubby ended up locking themselves in their hotel room (though by that stage I think it was the best thing). NOT a nice person!
either of them.


Dec 7, 2010
deldaisy said:
Quatermass said:
Sarah Michelle Gellar bitched about the Gold Coast, from what I remember, during or after the filming of Scooby-Doo. She can go and do something anatomically inconvenient with a wooden stake.
I had a friend working on that movie at Movieworld and apparently she bitched 24/7. Pulled a real drama queen act.

deldaisy said:
Bouncy Castle said:
My dreams have crumbled a little hearing that. I always thought she came across as very nice.
Bouncy you have no idea the crap she stirred up over here.
and when she got bad press for it she really really ramped it up. She and her hubby ended up locking themselves in their hotel room (though by that stage I think it was the best thing). NOT a nice person!
either of them.
Glad to hear that I didn't mistake that.

Besides, imagine how badly damaged MY dreams were when I read Tom Baker's autobiography, where he admitted frankly that he used to be a drunken sop with a penis fixation. Imagine THAT for a pedestal-toppling experience.
Apr 29, 2009
Former Buffy star Anthony Head has claimed that remaking the series is "a horrible idea".

It was announced in November that Warner Bros is developing a feature film based on the series, without creator Joss Whedon.

Head told The Huffington Post: "It's a horrible idea in as much as Buffy was a great conceit. It was a great story. A great idea. I don't feel that you can then remake that without the original creator on board. It doesn't make sense."

He argued that the new adaptation was inspired only by a desire to "make money".

"Somewhere down the line, I suppose... you could [do a remake] but it never sits very comfortably," he said. "With someone like Joss, why would you want to?"

Head's former Buffy co-stars Nicholas Brendon and Eliza Dushku have also criticised the decision to remake the show, while Whedon himself has admitted that he has "mixed emotions" about the project.

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