Yes! I've seen these before, but they're always good for a laugh.
Thanks, Penfold!
By the way, I think I've got all the references - but I think I need to ask these questions:
1. In the
Hogfather picture, I think I recognise everyone; from left to right, it's Teatime, Albert, Gawain Gaiter, DEATH, Twyla Gaiter, the Oh God of Hangovers, and Susan. Am I right? (Although Susan looks far more authoritarian and strict, plus her hair isn't quite as I remember it - it was white with a stripe of black, IIRC).
2. In the
Jingo picture, the gray figure with the sword sticking through him can only be Reg Shoe!
Detritus is behind, obviously, and "Al" Colon is in front. Angua, Carrot, Vimes and Nobby are easy to recognise; the crowd scenes include Vetinari, 71-Hour Ahmed, and Leonard da Quirm.
3. In the
Witches Abroad scene, Magrat looks far more snobby than usual, and Nanny looks positively... well, menacing. I thought it was Granny who got to do the scowling and the rassin' frassin' fightin'. :twisted:
All this is by the by, though... these breathe life into the novels. Wonderful!