JIB - Whoever said CMOT is like a not so clever unsuccessful Moist has it completely wrong. CMOT is a service industry wannabe-enterepreneur
- not a chameleon practiced in lying and cheating, and living off other people's weaknesses (whether positive or negative). All Moist does is get 'rich' on other people's efforts and he doesn't really care who gets hurts. Or least not until now as Adorabelle and Mr Pump have begun to make him see that he should think of the consequences of his 'games'.
CMOT sells things that he thinks people will want, that
he thinks will make him rich. He's giving them something. Something ropey and tawdry yeah, but they didn't have to buy it. What he
doesn't do is dress up dreams and hopes and aspirations in sheep's clothing that have no real substance, or set out to deliberately take money (or whatever) for nothing - or not very much that's useful.
As for Moist being the next Patrician
It's laughable - he hasn't got the guts, or the motivation to really get his hands dirty/play hard ball. Or indeed the ice-cold intellect to keep his eye
on the ball, because he hasn't got the killer instinct - he is a good juggler/magician though. In other words he's good at misdirecting... Reacher Gilt certainly had the killer instinct in spades, but he's wasn't clever or cunning enough to be a real threat to Vetinari for long.
Vetinari is still an assassin, except he rarely kills people because people are his tools or sometimes weapons, whether they're good, bad or indifferent. So yes - he's a user on a global scale and his motivation is to make things work just well enough to be balanced so people can get by as much as they deserve without have to descend into barbarism where the strongest, meanest and most brutal always come out on top. Vetinari, like Granny or Vimes, guards the edges - his edges are just more cerebral, whilst understanding pure passion and that sometimes there has to be an inexplicable, which may or may not come from peoples spirit.
Moist mostly just thinks about how he can do something with the least effort and harm to himself - he has a very long way to go before he's Patrician material