Nothing to do with Dicworld books, but I recently bought a book from amazon. ca to replace a British copy lost years ago. The book was Solzhenitsyn's A Day in The Life, and the copy I received is an American imprint. All I can say is, it's not the book I remember. I'm fairly certain the British copy left all the Russian slang in, with asterisks so you could check the meaning at the bottom of the page. The edition I now have, has no Russian words whatsoever, and a lot of Americanisms which in my opinion, simply don't fit with the tone of the book. It's hard to remember that you're reading about a prison camp in Siberia, and not perhaps, Texas. Also I feel it's a bit insulting to American readers, it almost suggests that they won't be able to understand or enjoy the text unless it's put in familiar language. And surely half the pleasure of reading books from a different culture is to get some of the flavour of that culture?