hadas7 said:
Yup, like I said, me loving Carrot is an unpopular opinion.
I think that he started out perfect because Pratchett was parodying the Lost Heir to the Throne a la Aragorn, but chose to keep it straight instead of doing an actual parody. So he had Carrot actually BE everything that a King SHOULD BE instead of going the parody path like he did in previous and subsequent books for other characters (see Nigel, the hapless swordsman in Sourcery.) When Terry got more interested in the more complex problems that a character like Vimes is better suited to tackle, Carrot kind of fell by the sideways. He tried to have Carrot be more flawed (actually "de-volve") and exhibits more negative characteristics, but if you don't like him perfect naturally won't like that either!
Yea, for some reason it seemed like Terry just started throwing Carrot's character under the bus. I didnt appreciate his nerfing either, cause i actually liked his character in the earlier novels as well.
Im not sure if it is an unpopular opinion, but I feel as though Terry should not have made it a point to exclude certain character types from novels. Especially when it comes to the Watch novels, where oftentimes I was hoping for more of a wizard/witch presence. Some books would go cover to cover without the appearance of a single witch or wizard, which to me is rather incongruent with the feel of the Discworld universe. I remember hearing Terry had 'reasons' why he did this, but I dont feel like the character types should be so isolated on a book to book basis. However, I dont expect the non-Ankh-Morpork books to feature the watch, since generally the watch belongs in the city, otherwise my opinion stands.
Oh yea, and I think Making Money and Raising Steam are both far better than Going Postal. Ive heard MM being criticized as a rehash of GP, but I think it is better in almost every way.