My apologies for the necro-post here.

I just across something that I thought was interesting.
I never knew that "Nutt" was a real surname, but apparently it is, and it got me wondering: is Mr Nutt's name (not his character, just his name) a reference to a real person?
After digging for a while on Wikipedia, I found that it could be:
Gordon Nutt, an ex-England professional footballer (and coach, too).

He played in England, The Netherlands, and Australia. I don't know if Gordon is who Pterry was referring to (maybe he was? Probably not), but it's an interesting coincidence.
Having said that, I'd like to draw your attention to
John Nutt, a 17th-century English pirate, whose arrest and trial caused a sensational scandal. I also think he's interesting because, unlike so many other pirates, his story has a happy ending! Enjoy.