SPOILERS Unseen Academicals ***SPOILERS***

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Feb 27, 2010
I personally love Unseen University and I loved this book as it was in it. I always chuckle at the Bursar, Dean and Archancellor Ridcully. This book was fantastically enjoyable but I wouldn't put it in my top 5 Discworld novels. Maybe No. 8.


New Member
Jun 21, 2010
UK - Somerset
I really loved the book, considering i am not interested in football in the slightest, i approached it with a certain amount of scepticism. But i was pleased to say it surprised me and i loved it!

I was a little disappointed that Vetinari wasn't the ref though, as he is pictured on the cover (although the age old adage, you can't judge a Patrician by its cover....or something, comes to mind)



New Member
Sep 26, 2010
Unseen Academicals uncorrected proof copy?

I was going to write here about how bad I found the book Unseen Academicals to be. But reading through all the other posts I find that nearly all other readers find the book to be excellent, one of Terry's best.
My copy reads like it was written by some amateur trying to copy the Pratchett style and failing miserably.
Before anyone asks, I have read all of Terry Pratchetts books and have thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them - up until this one. Many of these books are my second or third copies, the previous copies having been read to death.
I now suspect that Amazon.de have sent me a US Advanced Readers Copy or a UK Uncorrected Proof. Is this possible? o_O


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Re: Unseen Academicals uncorrected proof copy?

Dellwak said:
I was going to write here about how bad I found the book Unseen Academicals to be. But reading through all the other posts I find that nearly all other readers find the book to be excellent, one of Terry's best.
My copy reads like it was written by some amateur trying to copy the Pratchett style and failing miserably.
Before anyone asks, I have read all of Terry Pratchetts books and have thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them - up until this one. Many of these books are my second or third copies, the previous copies having been read to death.
I now suspect that Amazon.de have sent me a US Advanced Readers Copy or a UK Uncorrected Proof. Is this possible? o_O
Welcome to the site, Dellwak. :laugh:

I had an advanced copy of Unseen Academicals and it was certainly very disappointing. But when I read the proper copy a second time, I enjoyed it a lot more. I wouldn't say it was one of my favourites by a long way.

It's unlikely that you were sent a proof or advanced copy, but if you did it would have soft covers and should say that it's an advanced copy.

I can only suggest that you read it again some time and see if you like it any better. Some of my favourite Discworld books I didn't much care for on the first reading. ;)


Jan 11, 2010
Weert, The Netherlands
I didn't like it much either Dellwak, there's no accounting for taste. At least, no accounting for the awful taste of the members of the forum. For example, there are people here who think Pyramids is Pratchett's worst, and others who think it's his best (you can recognise them from their straightjackets).

Wouldn't it be a boring old world if we were all alike, and all that.

Oh, and welcome!


Sep 13, 2009
NOT The land of the risen Son!!
Willem said:
At least, no accounting for the awful taste of the members of the forum. For example, there are people here who think Pyramids is Pratchett's worst, and others who think it's his best (you can recognise them from their straightjackets).
:twisted: I'll post a suitably witty riposte to that insult just as soon as I can get my arms free. Maybe if I bang my head against this padded wall it might help? o_O
Apr 29, 2009
Re-read Unseen over the weekend, and gotta say that it still doesn't do anything for me.

A few smiles (Nutt's compliments about Glendas bust), and a "who ate all the pies" reference, but apart from that, I thought it one of his worst.

Please send a straight jacket, as I think Pyramids was good. ;)

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
I like Pyramids too - just it's not in my top 5 too much.

I have to say that I'm not too impressed with UA myself but then I wasn't likely to be as I really can't be bothered about football. The WAG aspect of it was good though and I enjoyed the bits with Pepe a lot - Glenda and Nutt were kinda sweet too


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Tonyblack said:
You only get one if you think Pyramids is the best or worst book. Straight jackets don't grow on trees you know! :p
I think Pyramids is "third worst," next to "The Colour of Magic" and "The Light Fantastic." Does this at least entitle me to some dried frog pills?



One Man Bucket

Oct 8, 2010
Hardly his worst but it was of the same standard as his earlier works rather than his recent works and there were a few poorly explained things like why it was important for the Patrician that the game be a success.

I have two questions which I can't seem to find an answer to no matter how many times I read the book:
a) Does Pepe have a beard
b) Is Jewels short for a human since she can pass for a tall dwarf


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I presume that Pepe has a beard as the only dwarf we know of without a beard is Casanunder.

As to Jewels - I think this is a joke along the lines of saying that a normal sized person is the world's tallest dwarf or the world's shortest giant. :)
Jan 1, 2010
I suspect the Patrician wants the new version of the game to be a success because its easier to control than the old version with streets full of people all pushing and fighting.

One Man Bucket

Oct 8, 2010
Tonyblack said:
I presume that Pepe has a beard as the only dwarf we know of without a beard is Casanunder.

As to Jewels - I think this is a joke along the lines of saying that a normal sized person is the world's tallest dwarf or the world's shortest giant. :)
Mad also lacks a beard. I don't recall Pepe's facial hair or lack thereof being mentioned but I suppose the absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.

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