LilMaibe said:
As for the first bit: Imagine all the 'arguments' people could muster to support their claim that MM or MR are 'best book ever' is 'cause it's pratchett and you are just too stupid to realise that'. Or if the only argument you could come up with in defense of Pyramids (I btw still need to check if I got the version with the soup-add or the cleaned up one) would be that.
That is the kind of statement that is often made by someone who has no real train of thought, other than, "I AM right, I KNOW what I am talking about, and ANYONE who disagrees with me, is WRONG!"
If LilMaibe chooses to belive that however politely a disagreement is worded, there is an underlying insult attached to it, then anyone who takes part in the debate is just flogging a dead horse.
LilMaibe - people have different opinions and tend not to agree. It doesn't mean that either opinion is more justified than the other. Neither does it warrant you interpreting what is said, as containing an underlying insult.
And for the record, Pyramids is
not the best TP book. Books are to be read and enjoyed -they are escapism into another world invented by the author - not carved up and analysed.