Vimes in movie

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Jul 28, 2008
I've just finished G!G! and Sybil seems to have started off really fat, then evolved into more of a strapping Amazonian type a the series went on. Nobby describes her as a "big fat party", and a "great big biddy". Miranda's probably right physically (ie strapping, not fat), and suitably posh, she just might be a bit young.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Dotsie said:
I've just finished G!G! and Sybil seems to have started off really fat, then evolved into more of a strapping Amazonian type a the series went on. Nobby describes her as a "big fat party", and a "great big biddy". Miranda's probably right physically (ie strapping, not fat), and suitably posh, she just might be a bit young.
I don't know about that. She's 40 now and that seems to me about the right age for Sybil. I must say that after seeing her in Call The Midwife, she seemed like a good choice for Sybil too. :)


Jul 28, 2008
She looks good for the part.

Miranda is 40? Bloody hell, being posh has it's advantages (well, obviously)


Oct 29, 2012
Jo of the Gates said:
When I was reading Sybil for the first time, I pictured the actress Camryn Manheim, who is 51 but looks much younger.
fun thing, my own mother looks half her age and happens to be 50 herself, I win :snooty: heheh, as for Sybils actress, maybe a mix between Camryn and Miranda? Sybil to me is someone that has the odd wrinkle here and there so miranda is a bit too young. As for Vimes's actor, he would need to be an actor that's a bit lanky and can play cynical, Hugh Laurie plays cynical in the show House and he looks the part too :) .
Jan 15, 2013
I like all the usual round of suggestions for Vimes: Hugh Laurie is clearly a physical match, and can play cynical and dry very well. Ben Miller looks right to me too. Someone somewhere suggested Jack Dee, which works for me.

But ultimately I think all of these actors would fail in a Watch TV series (at least the sort I'd want to see). They'd give fine performances, but not the right kind of performance, to my mind. What you really need is an actor with a particular quality - soulfulness - that draws the viewer in.

When I was watching the existing Discworld adaptations (I rewatched them recently), I was trying to put my finger on why they didn't really work for me. There's a few reasons (the lack of Pratchett's narrative voice is a problem, the tone is too broad etc). But one of the problems was the lack of depth in the character. Richard Coyle, for instnce, gave a decent read of Moist Von Lipwig, but divested of his inner voice, and hamming the whole thing up rather, the character wasn't sympathetic in the way Moist is on the page.

The trouble with actors like Hugh Laurie, to my mind, for the part, is that they'll give a performance that's watchable and funny, but not draw the viewer into the inner life of Vimes.

My current thoughts on this one, therefore, are: John Simm. He looks little like my mental Vimes, other than he's a skinny bloke of about the right age for Vimes-at-the-start. But Simm proved in Life On Mars that he can give a performance that takes you past the fantasy/high concept/camp/comedy stuff and makes you absolutely believe in his character. Look, see:

That works, right? Right?

Any takers?


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I think I'd almost like to see a cast of unknowns. That way there wouldn't be any preconceptions about how they should or would play the parts. Unknowns may be more loyal to a series than established names that might not have the commitment for a lengthy series.

I think, as far as The Watch is concerned, Vimes is really going to be the most important role to fill. Get that right and you are half way there. :)
Jan 15, 2013
Absolutely, Vimes is the most important to get right. The others you can trip up on without it ruining the whole thing. but you REALLY need to root for Vimes to have any involvement in the story.

I also agree actually about the cast-of-unkowns point. Even where I've come up with names, they're not serious suggestions because they're often implausible on the grounds that they're too successful for a supporting role on TV, that sort of thing.

And there's great casting directors out there who come up with better fits for roles than fans would ever have thought of. For instance, before Sherlock if someone had asked me who I thought should play the detective I probably wouldn't have come up with that one guy from Atonement.

The exception being that I'm pretty sold on Charles Dance as Lord V, and I think it's going to break my tiny little heart if they can't get him back for the part. Which they probably can't because he's over being almost equally awesome in Game Of Thrones right now
Jan 15, 2013
Apologies for double-posting, but I just saw a suggestion on the comments thread of another website: Sean Pertwee. I'd be right behind that casting choice.

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