Dotsie said:
poohcarrot said:
c. You don't believe in a God = atheist
That's not what you said first time, smartypants. So if
a person believes that the flying teapot is a god (not a God - that's different), then they are not an atheist.
For an atheist, you are more obsessed with God than any christian I've ever met
Yes he is isn't he
God(s) with or without an upper case G or a plural is/are different from belief. You could fervently believe the world was flat as per official church teachings and not in any god and be an atheist - in the latter parts of the 15th Century this was a common belief on the flat earth front in fundamental Christian circles though it may not have been a v. good idea to go around banging on about it. But it was still perfectly possible.
A-the-ist requires a
total lack of the-ology. The=god in greek - I think Wiki and most dictionary type publications on or offline will agree with that as in a-moral being a person without any concept of morals good or bad.
I am a very lapsed Catholic. I used to win prizes for theology when I was 9 but I rejected the idea of a Christian Old Testament god at 8 years old in favour of a New Testament god on moral and philopsophic grounds instead. I went to Catholic junior and senior schools and saw abuse from teaching staff who had taken orders of both sexes (purely verbal and mental derogation, nothing that nasty although this was back when teachers could still thump kids for very little reason) and I rejected the religion and administrative practices (but not the morals) of the christian faith of any stripe.
I don't want to believe in any god now but the morals stayed with me. I don't know if there is a god(s) out there, but I can't be sure sometimes. I'd like to say I'm an atheist but I'm probably agnostic most of the time which means I'm hedging my bets I suppose Dotsie?
I do believe in Hell though.
That's here right now and you
can believe in that, but heaven's here too sometimes excdept that's almost too good to be true. In the end though I don't need to have a god to believe in or use as a panacea to take away or mitigate the things that go 'wrong' in my life or even to blame for everything that happens. I was taught to think my own way out of any messes I got into and find ways to accept or at least ignore things that I can't change (like this stupid government
Belief is whatever gets you through - you don't need to have gods though. Terry's absolutely right about that when he says they/he/she/it needs you though. Be your own god in that case!