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Aug 1, 2008
Hi everyone,haven't been on this damned clacks machine since Christmas
due to a series of horrendous family events.The book I've just finished may seem an odd choice given my frame of mind at the moment,but for
anyone interested in the period,it is an authorative and informative work
which is strangely facinating.The author is a historian called Laurence
Rees and the book is called Auschwitz the Nazis and the 'Final Solution'
I think that a book of this quality should be included in every school's
course work.


Aug 1, 2008
Thanks for your concerns everyone,much appreciated.I won't be going on
about them as they are of a more permanent kind,still life goes on as they
I think Dotsie has a point and I will be reading something more cheerful.
I'll be taking a complete course of anti-depressants in the form of a complete re-reading of Sir Pterry's output of the Discworld and Good Omens.That should do the trick......although it may take some time!

Good to be back.

And thank you all again.
Dec 15, 2008
Labyrinth by Kate Mosse. Haven't really gotten into it yet, too tired to read these last few nights.
Also just ordered The last kingdom on play.com, looking foreward to receiving it and start reading :)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
WannabeAngua said:
Labyrinth by Kate Mosse. Haven't really gotten into it yet, too tired to read these last few nights.
Also just ordered The last kingdom on play.com, looking foreward to receiving it and start reading :)
Do you mean The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell, Angua? It's a really good book. :laugh:
Dec 15, 2008
Sounds good. I must say my expectations are getting quite high....bought it after your recommended it Tony. Am holding you personallly responsible should I hate it ;) (Or love it of course)


Jan 26, 2009
South Africa
I have attempted to read the odd alternate author here and there but I quite think I am Terry spoilt and have come to expect his clever wit and humour in all books so I don’t enjoy them… or maybe I am just reading the wrong books. I have never been into other books and am not one of those people who can easily pick any book of the shelf and have at it!

Have only really read Stephen King; Dean Koontz; Clive Barker and Terry Pratchett [Terry’s books take up station on the shelves while all others are packed in the cupboard]

Will appreciate a suggestion on a good author to try that will be well received by a Terry fan!


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Try Jasper Fforde, Kade. You will have to read his books in order as it's a series - but if you like Terry, then you'll probably like Jasper too. :laugh:

Start with The Eyre Affair - that's the first of his Thursday Next books. They are set on Earth but in a different reality where the Crimean War is still going on and dodos and mammoths have been recreated from DNA.

Really funny books. ;)


Jul 28, 2008
Kade said:
Will appreciate a suggestion on a good author to try that will be well received by a Terry fan!
Tony's right, he got me reading them. You could try A. Lee Martinez as well, they're not a series so you can start with any (but Gil's All Fright Diner is a good one).

Join a library - so it won't cost you a fortune to find out if you like a book. And if it's rubbish, just take it back & get another :laugh:


Jan 26, 2009
South Africa
Thanks Tony and Dotsie, i have made a note and will be on the lookout...

i havent been to a library since i was 16 after taking out a book - Men at Arms! i should at this point clarify that i took the book out when i was 13, fell inlove with it and Somehow ‘forgot’ to take it back, anyway when I was 16 my scruples finally kicked in and I took a collection of other books to the library, i apologised for not returning the book and asked them if they would accept a trade off - They said it was ok but that I wasn’t allowed to take out anymore books. :oops:

thanks for the heads up Jan!
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