Glad to hear you've room for a bookcase or two now Polly!

I've only read one of Tom Holt's fantasy books -
Grailblazers - which I thoroughly enjoyed but I was in severe burn out back then and banned myself from buying any new books. :x Yeah right! I know I was an idiot!
I got
Grailblazers because I really liked his 2 books continuing E.F. Benson's excruciatingly funny snob satires - the Mapp and Lucia books (v. well done on Channel 4 yonks ago with the excellent Geraldine McEwen and even more excellent Nigel Hawthorne).
Lucia in Wartime and
Lucia Triumphant were both hilarious and if I hadn't seen Tom Holt's name on the cover I would have sworn they'd been written by Benson himself.
Highly recommend the Lucia books to anyone whether it's Holt or Benson - they're like Noel Coward on vitriol (very polite, but evil :twisted: ) instead of cocaine

I must get around to reading more of Holt's fantasy comedy though