Over the last week I read Equal Rites and Wyrd Sisters. Loved both of them (Wyrd Sisters was of course slightly better, you can see that Pratchett's style has grown over the years... And it feature all three fabulous witches that I love. Every time they had a dialogue I couldn't do anything but laugh

I read somewhere here that someone had read 6 discworld novels in 1 weekend. I won't ever do that. I think it's called speed-reading: you just read the dialogues, you skip a lot of things... I think it show a lack of respect for the author. It may not be your type of book, but someone has worked hard for this book to be published and we should appreciated by at least reading it properly. In my opinion you can't really judge a book if you speed-read it.
Sooo, now I'm going to read Witches abroad. But first I'll write a review for Wyrd Sisters in my blog.

Love these books.
Apropos (or is it à propos?? I keep wondering!) someone recommended American Gods to me. I haven't read anything by Gaiman, except Stardust... Is it a nice novel?