Just finished 1984 actually. I've read it looooong time ago and was curious to see how it's holding up now I'm so much oooooolder. Well, it's far less theoretical to start with :>
Then I've got a long line up of other utopian, anti-utopian and dystopian books to follow as I'm finding myself to be by far not paranoid enough.
I dream of being paranoid. Unfortunately I'm mononoid. There's one person out to get me, but I don't know who it is.
(actually, that's a lie. I do know who it is. It's Jan! )
As I said, I make golems. Golems come from Prague from rabbi Jehuda Ben Becalel who was a close friend to Rudolf II Habsburg, the first (and only) true New Age monarch in Europe
BTW, I recommend Gustav Meyrink's 'Golem' and Angelo Maria Ripellino's 'Magic Prague' (athough for the second one you'll have to pay through your nose as only pre-owned copies are available).
And Kafka, but that's far too obvious even to mention
I dream of being paranoid. Unfortunately I'm mononoid. There's one person out to get me, but I don't know who it is.
(actually, that's a lie. I do know who it is. It's Jan! )
You wish! You're far too fast for me smartypants. And even if I was I'm strictly pacifist and practically buddhist (out of laziness not inclination) plus I have an skin allergy to most oil-based paints (day-glo or not) so that'd be a washout even if it's all over you. :twisted:
I finally got my copy of 'the science of discworld' n.1. I already had 2 and 3, but was waiting for n.1 to read them in order, waiting for more than a month for it .. hope it's worth it... but sure it is.
I will certainly stay with them until n.3 is finished, after I paid every book 14.46 euro!! it shouldn't have been more than 12.. (pretty sensitive about money this days...)
I dream of being paranoid. Unfortunately I'm mononoid. There's one person out to get me, but I don't know who it is.
(actually, that's a lie. I do know who it is. It's Jan! )
You wish! You're far too fast for me smartypants. And even if I was I'm strictly pacifist and practically buddhist (out of laziness not inclination) plus I have an skin allergy to most oil-based paints (day-glo or not) so that'd be a washout even if it's all over you. :twisted:
I adore you Lady Vet, I just tried to think about My dreams, and what happens to them when TP gets mixed in. I wind up feeling very odd when that happens.