Ummm maybe that’s where I’ve gone wrong
I have been blasting through it
As I’m very much the new boy (Boy..... Who am I kidding everyone is younger than me) to the Discworld I’m more than happy to listen to the advice of any member who has read more than two books by Terry Pratchett.
So with that in mind I will slow down and pay more attention and I will reread it straight away as Pooh suggested.
With The Colour of Magic and soon Soul Music under my belt I would be grateful for suggestions as to what my third choice should be.
As I really like Death is there any particular book where Death has the Lion's share of the story.
I can / could knock out Smoke on the Water on my guitar but sadly recent events seem to have put paid to progressing to Stairway to Heaven.
Looking on the bright side my loss is probably music’s gain....It’s certainly my next doors neighbours gain
Old Rockers never die they just go to
The Great Gig in the Sky Pink Floyd 1973.