I've just finished "The Blade Itself", by Joe Abercrombie. It's easily the best high fantasy novel I've read since first picking up LOTR twenty years ago. "Stunning" is the only word I can think of to describe it. I'm now waiting with baited breath for volumes two and three to arrive.
I'm starting "A Game of Thrones", by George R.R. Martin while I'm waiting. I know I'm behind the times on starting ASOIAF, but what the heck, better late than never.

I read The Last Colony by John Scalzi over the holidays as well, and loved it.
Sandy Claws was good to me with books this year.

I have a new copy of Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock to re-read (the last one fell to bits), a Colin Bateman I haven't read yet (Maid of the Mists) and a copy of "Three Men in a Boat" by Jerome K. Jerome in the "to read" pile. My sister has read it already and insists I'm a kindred spirit to someone called "Harris"...

Looks like I'll be getting my head down over the next week or so. I can't wait.