Oh gawd! Actually the grail part of the legends set my teeth on edge normally, but he dealt with the first 3 so plausibly (keeping the 'magic' but weaving it into real historic themes and events) so I s'pose it'll be OK
Sooo agree about the BBC Merlin!

I have a good friend out in Carolina who adores anything Arthurian and really likes Merlin for some reason I can't quite fathom as she's generally a stickler for canon - also a sucker for baby-faced lads though, so I guess I shouldn't really be so surprised!

I don't know about 'politically correct' but they messed with the main characters far too much in my opinion - and my Welsh friend reminded me only this evening that the Celtic nations are indeed ethnic minorities too so what's wrong with making Guinevere an Irish or Welsh Princess like Morgana (whose accent is all over the flippin' shop! Is she related to Robert Shaw do you think?

The only bits that did impress me casting-wise was putting John Hurt in as the Dragon's voiceover and Richard Wilson as Merlin's mentor - Victor Meldrew would have had a fit! :twisted: And Anthony Head should, of course, stick to improper political comedy, vampires and coffee - he's a lousy Uther!