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Jan Van Quirm said:
chris.ph said:
im reading 500 bloody pages of project management crap that is 95%common bloody sense and rosanna has banned me from amazon until ive memorized it :cry:
I did a civil service project management once upon a time - and had a nervous breakdown a few weeks after I'd finished the last component. :eek: :devil:

I know where you're coming from Chris :laugh:
Huggles Chris - nasty Rosanna!

Ouch :eek: that sounds more potent than my sleeping tablets!

What am I reading?

This site!


Dec 29, 2009
chris.ph said:
im reading 500 bloody pages of project management crap that is 95%common bloody sense and rosanna has banned me from amazon until ive memorized it :cry:
I sort of know what you're going through and sympathise wholeheartedly! A few years ago I had to try to memorize sections of the Gaming Act, which was mandatory in order to try and get a promotion where I worked. The problem was that gaming in the UK was going through a massive overhaul and modernisation. This meant that the laws, regulations, and guidelines that I was learning kept changing from month to month. :rolleyes:

As to what I'm reading now; its The Dancers at the End of Time by Michael Moorcock.
Jul 26, 2008
well im still trying to read unseen accidenicals for the first time, i originally got it when it first came out but i just dont like it, but as its a PTerry book i will finnish it....... one day :oops:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I'm reading Sharpe's Story, a short, 100 page, book by Bernard Cornwell about how Sharpe came about and about the books in general.

One bit made me laugh out loud. In Sharpe's Gold a young midshipman man get killed during the siege of Almeida. Bernard describes in some detail the horrible way the kid gets killed.

Bernard Cornwell said:
A young woman who worked for my publisher protested at that passage, saying it was too sad for such a promising young lad to die, and so, ever since, I have made a point of introducing such clean-cut youngsters into Sharpe's stories only to kill them off before the book's end. This went on until Sharpe's Trafalgar, where a nice young lad named Collier died at Trafalgar, and when Judy, my wife, first encountered him (she reads every manuscript) she said she could not read on because she knew Collier would die. So, just to prove her wrong, I changed the ending and Collier lived, the only boy to survive a Sharpe story so far.

The rat

Apr 18, 2009
Bad Blintz
Right now on my nook Stephen King's The Stand, but by the end of the day I will have gotten Christopher Moore's new vampire book: Bite Me!

He will be in the Boston Area on April 4th, and I and a few people from work are going to see him.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Exp. Date said:
Right now on my nook Stephen King's The Stand, but by the end of the day I will have gotten Christopher Moore's new vampire book: Bite Me!

He will be in the Boston Area on April 4th, and I and a few people from work are going to see him.
Shame you can't get him to sign your eBook copy. Maybe he could sign the actual Nook. :laugh:


Jul 28, 2008
I've finished reading The Antipope (s'alright, not bad, will read the next one), now I'm reading Nella Last's War for reading group. She was a housewife in Barrow who kept a war-time diary for the Mass Observation project. She was a brilliant writer, no doubt about that, but some of her opinions were so :eek: it's like listening to your nan :laugh:

I loved this quote from it:
Nella Last said:
She [Mrs Helm] says she prays God to strike Hitler dead. Cannot help thinking if God wanted to do that he would not have waited till Mrs Helm asked him to do so.
Apr 29, 2009
A Fatal Thaw - Dana Stabenow.

The first one was a bit slow, what with introducing all the main characters, and describing (or so it seemed) every blessed snowflake and tree in Alaska!

This one is off to a cracking start, though.
Dec 15, 2008
Started on The lovers by John Connolly today. It's the only one by him I haven't read yet. Almost don't want to start reading it, then I wont have any unread books by him to look forward to.... Oh well, I can read them all again of course :)

The rat

Apr 18, 2009
Bad Blintz
Tonyblack said:
Exp. Date said:
Right now on my nook Stephen King's The Stand, but by the end of the day I will have gotten Christopher Moore's new vampire book: Bite Me!

He will be in the Boston Area on April 4th, and I and a few people from work are going to see him.
Shame you can't get him to sign your eBook copy. Maybe he could sign the actual Nook. :laugh:

Don't think that I haven't thought about that!
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