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Jan 11, 2010
Weert, The Netherlands
Currently reading Carpe Jugulum so that I might contribute something to the discussion.

I've finished the God Delusion last week. I don't agree with everything in there, but he does make very valid and well-reasoned points. I found out we've got a creationist science teacher at school, which surprised me extremely :)

On the 50 years of women book - recently someone said that if Back to the Future was (re)made today, Marty McFly would travel back 25 years into the past, to 1985. The cultural differences between 1985 and 2010 seem far smaller than the differences between 2010 and 1985, at least, to 'my generation' (I was born in 1979). Would people who lived through the 50s agree with this?
Jul 25, 2008
Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.
Willem said:
On the 50 years of women book - recently someone said that if Back to the Future was (re)made today, Marty McFly would travel back 25 years into the past, to 1985. The cultural differences between 1985 and 2010 seem far smaller than the differences between 2010 and 1985, at least, to 'my generation' (I was born in 1979). Would people who lived through the 50s agree with this?
I think you have a typo here on the dates you give. I'm not sure if you mean that the cultural differences between 1960 and 1985 are greater or less than those between 1985 and 2010. In the US, those since '85 are simply building on the far more radical (in my opinion) changes between 1960 to 1985. Don't know how that compares with the changes in the lives of women in other countries. And remember, this book is about the changes in the lives and roles of women in the U.S. in that period of time.
But since women got the right to vote in 1920 in this country (75 years after Black Men), and since Belgium only gave women the right to vote in 1948 though the Netherlands recognized the right in 1919--it's hard to generalize.

As I said in my previous post, the lives of women in the U.S. have changed radically since 1960. When I got my Ph.D. in 1965, a number of major universities (such as the University of Women) would not consider hiring women faculty. When I went to law school in l973, Georgetown was consider very much in the forefront because 25% of their entering class were women. Now that we've managed to elect a black President, who knows--maybe we can elect a woman some time in the near future.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow

I wish in a way that Obama could have chosen Hilary Clinton as his running mate but of course that was out of the question :rolleyes: Can you imagine what might have happened if they'd been able to reconcile their ambitions though! :eek: :laugh: Truly scary stuff but what brilliant fireworks we'd have seen :twisted:


Jun 22, 2009
I'm reading a book called "the illusion of life" about Disney and animation. Got it from my dad for birthday and I love it! (even though it's huge.)
He wrote something in it: "This is a book of dreams, not illusions. I hope It'll help you realise your dreams." It makes me teary-eyed every time I read it. Love you daddy! :laugh:
Second that! :laugh:

I'm reading First King of Shannara now; it is brilliant! Much better than LOTR(Jannopleasedon'tkillme*opens crate and gets in with pooh and tina's now-ghosts and dotsie's ghost from the whodunit game who was bored and wanted to talk to someone :laugh: )
I just got to the bit where Paranor falls. I find Bremen's name quite funny cos it reminds me of the bards of Bremen, or somat like that tale about those singing animals.
I find it quite amusing that at the beggining he is at the mercy of people who dont understand what they're talking about anyway when he wants to talk to the druids and basically theyr power freaks
Oct 13, 2008
I am still going through my Anne & Todd McCaffrey library, just about to start reading Dragonsblood, by Todd. He isn't quite as polished as his Mum, but he's getting there. :)


Apr 6, 2010
Rotherham, South Yorkshire
I have just finished the last 3 of Terry Brooks books which I really enjoyed. I plan on getting hold of his first book and then reading them in order. I am also working my way through everything that James Patterson has ever written and have just started Cross.
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