Penfold said:
Bearing in mind that his surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems; does your Literature teacher consider Shakespeare to be pulp fiction as well.
Sjoerd, thanks for the tips, but NO WAY I'm going to read The master and Margarita. I have it myself on my bookshelf, I got to some 20 or so pages and than gave up... nothing wrong with russian literature, but it's not meant for me. Imre Kertész I know very well (not personally of course, but the book), but I didn't like it... I'll do some research after the other two you suggested, though.
Chris, thanks, the book seems great, but sadly it isn't published in hungarian...
But here's what I'm going to do: I'll talk once more to my teacher, present him my arguments ('cause even my mother, who wanted to understand me - how nice - and started reading Small Gods, but than gave up, saying that I should read something with more value in it, so even she said that I should write about Discworld, because I should be able to convince other people, and defend the books I love...), and if it doesn't work... well, than I'll have to find an alternetive.
Oh, and Pooh: I have to admit that
I haven't read Amazing Maurice yet...