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I've talked to my teacher, who says I can do my TP essay, if I really want to... BUT: it should only be 1800 caracters!!!! Well, I've tried it out (by typing my name like a thousand times), and that's not even a whole page!!! I can't do a TP essay in less than a page! I'd need at least 4 or 5... Plus: it's supposed to be A (1) book, and I wouldn't be able to chose one to write about... :( *sigh*
Oh, and what's more: I'm not supposed to chose a "school book", which means a book that must be read for school - so Orwell, and Master and Margarita are not possible anyway.... :(

What I thought about: The Soloist is based on a book... so if I'd read the book, that could be a possibility. Problem: it isn't published in Hungarian... :devil:

Oh, and the date-limit is 20th June... and that's not so far anymore... :(

As to compare: a friend of mine writes about an Antal Szerb book: Journey by Moonlight... Just for you to know...

Concerning Aldous Huxley: no hungarian translation. But I found an e-Book version, so maybe I'll read it like this. :) Thaks, Chris!
Since its 10pm here, ill have to hurry this and ignore everyone else's posts for a bit. Sorry.

I've since leaving read Nation. Not my fave; in fact its the one i dislike the most. Partly cos of the religion: That is not a childrens book, i repeat NOT A CHIILDREN"S BOOK!! ANd partly cos the characters dont build up quite as well as normal and the anticlimax ending which i dont mind on the whole, but this was too wacko for me, and im not referring to the no happily ever aftrer bit.

I've also read Sourcery. Love it. And halfway through Wicked. It is the grossest book ive ever read. Apart from when my friends read the science text book out loud. But apart from that it is really good and interesting. As far as ive fathomed, it seems really odd that the good and bad withces used to be friends in school, and also that she became wicked because of Animal Rights

EDi5t: i aways hear teh grandfather's voices in a similar tne to daleks :eek: We5ird, but 8) and ity maes it a whole lt more interstn. :laugh:


Apr 12, 2010
Bothwell, Scotland
Sorry to just jump in, but what the hey, i might as well. I'm reading loads of books at the same time, as i always do, as it makes me take longer to read them, usually a problems for me as i read too fast. The last (so far) in the Noughts & Crosses series, Double Cross, is the one i read most recently, i.e. 5 mins ago. Then The Road, by Cormac MCCarthy. I've spent ages on it, as i'm finding it quite hard to read, but i'll keep at it. Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, and re-reading 1984. I love that book. The last line is possible the best last line ever!
michelanCello said:
Ponder Stibbons said:
No, aint read it, michel. Who's it by>?
:rolleyes: It's Goethe... but it hasn't actually anything to do with Sourcery, I just had a black-out at the moment and I thought Sourcery was Eric... :oops: But I liked Sourcery... what I meant was, that Eric is "based" on Faust, just like Weird Sisters is based on Macbeth...
Oh, ok.
This will be the very last post I'll be posting about my essay (promise), but I just wanted you to know that I've decided to write about a Pratchett book, and after having given it much thought - it was a tough decision - I chose Small Gods. So I'm reading a lot of reviews and opinions, and we'll see how mine turns out...
Anyhow, thanks for all the tips and help you've given me!!!


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
michelanCello said:
This will be the very last post I'll be posting about my essay (promise), but I just wanted you to know that I've decided to write about a Pratchett book, and after having given it much thought - it was a tough decision - I chose Small Gods. So I'm reading a lot of reviews and opinions, and we'll see how mine turns out...
Anyhow, thanks for all the tips and help you've given me!!!
Small Gods is an excellent choice! :laugh:

Please let us know how you get on.
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