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Just thought I'd say that I am reading The Last Hero and The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents right now.

The Last Hero I am reading at home (in the front room, because the Kelley Armstrong books that I promise my partner to read stay by my bedside, currently on Broken). I read Last Hero at home because even the small paperback that I have is too big for my makeshift book stand at work and also it is one of the few Pratchett's that I bought new from Waterstones, the others being Night Watch and Going Postal( + The Art of Discworld), so I don't want to get it too dirty in the projection booth.

Maurice I am reading at work and am 80 pages from the end.

I love the run after Fifth Elephant. The Truth may be my favourite book so far and Thief of Time was great. Maurice is awesome so far! The Last Hero...I will just have to wait till the end, am a bit mixed on it.

I should finish both books at the same time which will lead me to NIGHT WATCH, I'm so excited! I order Science of Discworld II yesterday, which if it comes soon enough, I may read first just to prolong my excitement fo Night Watch!


Sep 3, 2010
The Bromeliad is great and a lot of fun. Any of Pratchetts non disc stuff is not a bad idea. Some of the Scifi might be a nice warm up for the long earth books on the way.
Actually bought a Bromeliad plant straight after reading the book but sadly no frogs have made it there home yet.

Currently ploughinhg my way through Mervyn Peakes Gormenghast Trilogy with a break taken for Tiffany.
DaveC said:
BatrickPatrick said:

I've not read it before despite having had a copy for ages. >.>
Not sure what to read once I have finished my Discworld odyssey - Nation or start from the beginning with Carpet People, Bromeliad, Johnny.....?
I've not finished Nation yet or read the Carpet People etc so I can't help you there >.>


Jul 28, 2008
I really enjoyed Shades of Grey, I just wish he'd explained some things a bit better as he went along. Too confusing!

I'm reading Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods, as recommended by J-I-B. It's very good - especially the bit about the bears which had me ROFL

Jane - no idea what the last bit means - subliminal advertising? o_O
Jane said:
I'm reading Carpe Jugulum.
I've had it on my shelf for a bit, and only now gotten around to reading it.
Yay for thrifting! It just saved me a bunch of money on my car insurancebook collection. Yay!!!
"Handbag cover"? :p

Haven't you seen those ads on TV where the doctor goes, "I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?"

And the patient says, "Bad first, please."

To which the doctor says, "You've got cancer, but guess what? I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance!"

I don't even have a car, but it's fun to say!
It's just like "That's what she said." :laugh:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Jane said:
Wow, how do you do it? I know a few people who do without TV or cars or computers, but that's only for a week for one of those charity fundraisers. Did you have to go through withdrawal?
It's not difficult - there's very little that I wanted to watch when I did have one. :laugh:
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