What Film Did I See Over Xmas Please?

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Jun 1, 2013
I saw the Hunger Games over the weekend. It was baffling, utter baffling. The best film I've seen over Christmas was the Gruffalo and His Daughter.

The next one, I missed all but the end. There was this superhero called Titan and his mentor was trying to stop him thieving bicycles, rampaging over the city, and getting obsessed with his date. I didn't catch any names.

His date was a play on Lois Lane, Superman had retired, and the main character was the evil overlord - this big-headed blue guy who also was Titan's glowing father via a shapeshifting watch, and also this normal geeky guy - who was teased at school for being blue. His best friend/mad scientist was a fish inside a robot diving suit.

Can someone let on what i watched? *glances around* No one knows me here, and it's embarrassing to ask about kids' cartoons these days. I'm still obsessed with Vetinari and I need a (parody) substitute.
Nov 26, 2011
Below Sealevel.
The Blues Brothers was on on a Belgian channel here,came across it whilst surfing and decided it had been quite a while since i'd last seen it,so i stopped surfing and 'watched' it till the end.

Beautiful! :laugh:

Also has one of the best lines in a movie ever still IMO :
"Use of unneccesary violence in the apprehension of the blues brothers has been approved..."

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