What have you seen recently? 2

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This week I watched

Burn after reading - weird, but enjoyable
The scent of a woman - was planning it for a long time, and I wasn't dissappointed ;)
Sleuth (the Caine-Law version) - which was more a theatre piece than a movie, but still good, only WHERE WAS THE ENDING? It was just getting interesting and that was it!
Rippley's Game - my first Rippley movie, maybe not the best choice and John Malkovich was... I don't know, there was something about him that was just not right...
The Big Lebowski - genious!

I think that was it ;)
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
pip said:
Who's Wee Dug said:
chris.ph said:
oooghhhhh i bought zombie strippers a few weeks ago i think i will go and dig it out to see if its as bad as i think, my mate also gave me a copy of plan b from outer space which is supposed to be the worst film ever. i might have a crap film afternoon and watch both :laugh:
Let me know wht it is like Chris,as I have but not watched it yet. :)
I saw it and its bloody awful. :laugh:
So that's a fiver down the drain then. :laugh:
michelanCello said:
This week I watched

Burn after reading - weird, but enjoyable, yeah, good, but I think it's my least favourite Coen Bros film.
The scent of a woman - was planning it for a long time, and I wasn't dissappointed ;) Like this one
Sleuth (the Caine-Law version) - which was more a theatre piece than a movie, but still good, only WHERE WAS THE ENDING? It was just getting interesting and that was it! Seen the original with Caine as the young guy and Laurence Olivier as the older, it's excellent, haven't seen this one though, but apparently it's not as good
Rippley's Game - my first Rippley movie, maybe not the best choice and John Malkovich was... I don't know, there was something about him that was just not right...Of the series I've only seen The Talented Mr Ripley, which was good, but didn't love it
The Big Lebowski - genious!
I agree - 'nobody %*@ks with the Jesus!'I think that was it ;)
Jun 26, 2011
Even the rain. Meh. Predictable and borish all around.

Rango. :laugh: :laugh: Hes a chameleon!!! Pretty nice.

Hang over 2. Not funny as first one. More gross jokes. Not liked.
ShadowNinjaCat said:
michelanCello said:
Adding Billy Elliot to the list: it was really good, but I couldn't really decide whether it was rather a happy movie or a depressing one (broke my heart when they killed the piano :( )
I love the music in that movie :) ,I was sad when the
Spoiler said:
the dad sells the mother's jewelery :(
.It's a lovely movie. :)
The London Calling(song) scene always upsets me, I have lots of brothers LOL
Apr 26, 2011
Watched Pirates of the Caribbean III.

While I still like the first one best (haven't seen IV, yet), I really enjoyed the third one.

Still odd:

Spoiler said:
Why does Will have to cut out his heart in order to be Captain of the Flying Dutchman, when Davy Jones himself only cut it out after he'd been dieappointed by Calypso?


Jul 26, 2008
Michigan, U.S.A.
:( We're having such a hard time getting out to the theater and there's so much we want to see! If we don't get out soon we'll miss POTC. I also want to see Green Lantern and Cars 2. Missed Thor and X-Men.
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