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Jul 28, 2008
Willem said:
I liked Suckerpunch too, eventhough it was tosh :)

Saw the first episode of Star Trek - The Next Generation (Encounter at Farpoint) on Blu-ray today. It's been re-edited and polished up so it looks and sounds amazing - but what an awful episode :)
Agree with everything you've said here :)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I've been watching the first season of the original Star Trek. I love the remastering and new CGI shots and I'd forgotten how good some of those episodes are. Although the Gorn is still pretty silly. :laugh:
Nov 25, 2010
London UK
You can see where the Star Trek TMP producers went wrong - they seem to be taking their cue from 2001, Solaris, Soylent Green etc, big sf movies from the 60s, critically acclaimed successes but which were all over long, really badly paced and frankly boring in places, especially when they used slow moving special effects to instill a sense of wonder. They seemed to be attempting to 'grow-up' Star Trek - which might have worked, had it not been made post-Star Wars, which changed everything.
Nov 25, 2010
London UK

Really cheap drive in flick 1957. Best thing about it is the poster. A handfull of teenagers and a small squad of soldiers easily thwart a few aliens in a saucer (much smaller than the pic on the poster) who've landed in some woods. Mostly done tongue in cheek. Interesting for the appearance of Frank (the Riddler) Gorshin.


Jan 11, 2010
Weert, The Netherlands
Watched some more first season Star Trek TNG episodes: The Naked Now, Code of Honour, and the Last Outpost.

You kind of have to wonder how this show survived it's first season. This really is some terrible stuff. Naked Now tries to be funny-silly but only manages stupid-silly. Code of Honour feels awfully racist and misogynistic. And the Last Outpost... a Ferengi disaster.

Current season 1 status: 4 duds.
Worst episode this season up till now: Code of Honour
Best episode this season: Encount at Farpoint (but only because it had Q)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I recently found a copy of Watchmen on DVD in a charity shop and watched it last night. Now I've never read the graphic novels/comics it was based on, so I can't comment on how well it was transferred to movie, and I found it all a little confusing at the start. But once I got into it, I thought it was excellent. The soundtrack was really good - especially the Philip Glass bits. :)
Dec 4, 2010
Nova Scotia Canada
Tonyblack said:
I recently found a copy of Watchmen on DVD in a charity shop and watched it last night. Now I've never read the graphic novels/comics it was based on, so I can't comment on how well it was transferred to movie, and I found it all a little confusing at the start. But once I got into it, I thought it was excellent. The soundtrack was really good - especially the Philip Glass bits. :)
Yeah, I found it a bit difficult as well. ..and Glass = class! :handgestures-thumbup:
Tonyblack said:
I recently found a copy of Watchmen on DVD in a charity shop and watched it last night. Now I've never read the graphic novels/comics it was based on, so I can't comment on how well it was transferred to movie, and I found it all a little confusing at the start. But once I got into it, I thought it was excellent. The soundtrack was really good - especially the Philip Glass bits. :)
:) It i a really great adaptation, not too many changes either apart from the main masterplan at the end, the endgame is the same but how it gets there is different.


Jan 11, 2010
Weert, The Netherlands
Tortured myself with some more first season Star Trek TNG episodes: Where No One Has Gone Before, Lonely Among Us, and Justice.

These were at least better than the previous 3. First one had some interesting stuff going on, although it suffers from overexposure to Wesley Crusher. Lonely Among Us was fine except for the ending and Justice was cringeworthy but had a valid concept behind it. Awful ending there too.

I've not seen all the Original Star Trek episodes (they're on my list!) but I get a feeling that the first season of TNG has a lot of rehashed old scripts from those days.

Current season 1 status: 7 duds.
Worst episode this season up till now: Code of Honour
Best episode this season: Where No One Has Gone Before

As a bonus, I also watched a Blu-ray episode of TOS about a salt-sucking alien. Quite good once I'd adjusted to the slllooowwwness of the show (MTV generation and whatnot). The blu-ray polish is amazing, the show looks great.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
There was a series planned called Star Trek Phase II, set to be made in 1978, but then along came Star Wars and a host of other Sci-Fi movies. So they basically turned Phase II into Star Trek The Motion Picture and, I believe, they had planned to use a lot of left-over ideas from the cancelled original series on Phase II. You you are probably right about them using some of those idea in early Next Generation. :)
Dec 4, 2010
Nova Scotia Canada
I actually found there were a few too many Start Trek/Spock references in Transformers. I know Nemoy did the voice of Sentinel Prime, but sheesh!

I also found the editing really bad. It would just jump way ahead and points and was confusing. The action scenes were much better though, since they slowed them down. The humour was also excellent, as were the others. :)


Mar 12, 2010
Saw Star Wars episode I in 3D yesterday, took my 13 year old boy along and both enjoyed it. First thing he did when he got in was dig out his old Lightsabre and nag me into having a fight. 3D was done well I thought and while not the best film ever was good to watch it on the big screen again and for the first time for the boy!
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