What have you seen recently? 2

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Tonight I went to see Spamalot at the theatre - it was great! :laugh: Even though I don't really like musicals, this one was quite all right - despite the horrible hungarian song translations (thankfully they subtitled it in english ;) ) But the talking parts were creatively humorous and really Monty Python ;) Ow, and there even was a song about Hungarians! :eek:

And friday I watched My week with Marilyn, which I also enjoyed because it wasn't your average biography movie, incuding the ow-so-horrible-childhood and her "tragic death" - it was just Marilyn, the way she was... I guess...
Apr 29, 2009
If you mean the Benedict Cumberbatch/Martin Freeman version of Sherlock, then there are only 3 episodes in the series.

Each one is 90 minutes long, so is in effect a movie.

British shows don't have long series (seasons) like you guys - thirteen is the max, I think, whereas US shows can be 22-24 episodes long.

I believe British television makers would say quality over quantity! :mrgreen:


Jul 26, 2008
Michigan, U.S.A.
Yep, I guess that's the one. Didn't realize there were two. There are two right? One of them has been running for a few seasons?

Well, I'm looking forward to watching the other two episodes and it's good to know now that there aren't others. Really love Dr. Watson!

I did figure out that our seasons are longer while I was watching Being Human (UK). I thought originally that I was going to be able to watch only the first two seasons, then noticed it was all three! Nothing at all wrong with quality over quantity. :laugh:
Catch-up said:
Watched Mr. Bean goes on Holiday last night. We've never watched a Mr. Bean movie and we were all really giggling over it. The end dragged out a bit, but all good fun.
Cool, I've only seen the first film, the one set in LA. There are only 2 movies but LOTS of half hour shorts that ran for 19 episodes between 1990-95


+ an animated series which was more kid friendly, as the films also are, in 2002-3 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0280277/combined
Aug 12, 2010
In the wee hours I watched J edgar OMG leo had to put in a performance and a half he is a complicated character deserved an oscar in my opinion

The grey had enough survival in it to keep me entertained and I was team wolf all the way

ghost rider 2 was alright needed more ghost rider all in flames than it did


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City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I just watched Beowulf on DVD. For some reason I've been reluctant to watch it, but I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by it. And I didn't know that Neil Gaiman co-wrote the screenplay. :)
Tonyblack said:
I just watched Beowulf on DVD. For some reason I've been reluctant to watch it, but I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by it. And I didn't know that Neil Gaiman co-wrote the screenplay. :)
I like it too, also have the comic adaptation of the film which Gaiman co-wrote.

Have you seen the live action one with Gerard Butler? It came out around the same time, very different but also good. :)

On another note, I finally watched The Woman in Black today. Great atmosphere, nice to see a well done, non-gory British horror. :)
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