Tonyblack said:
CrysaniaMajere said:
I re-watched the J.J.Abrahms Star Trek yesterday

love it
while I sort of enjoy it, I really hate the way they've basically ignored most of Star Trek history. They've basically taken things to a point before Star Trek the original series and made most of what follows impossible.
AND they clearly show the great starships being built at construction yards ON EARTH.
That's just silly. The ships were built in orbit and, for the most part, never designed to land on a planet.
I know, very true, and normally this would really upset me, but in this case I thought : "now it's all new, they don't have to follow anything has been done up to now, so maybe it'll be easier to get a new film

since it was getting too difficult to find a good story keeping faithful to all the history." So, anything can be good for me, as long as they'll do another one sooner or latert. Anyone has heard anything? I keep hoping
p.s. built on Earth? Oh, you mean the bit when he arrives on his bike... yeah, true, but it makes a nice shot though

About landing, they land on planets on several occasions, in the old history. (I think. do they? Kirk? Janeway?)