What have you seen recently? 2

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Apr 29, 2009
Hon. I've just ordered the final three seasons.

I'll start sending them all down to you, if you want.

Took me a few episodes to get into it (learning all the new characters, etc), but I'm totally addicted now.

They changed the series quite a lot from the pilot, and the end of S1 is a cliffhanger.

The network cancelled it, but another took it up, and the first eppy of S2 bears no resemblance to the previous episode!

The subject is kinda addressed in flashbacks in another episode, but by that time I was so addicted, I didn't care!

There's men in uniform for Mrs Dave, and women in uniform for Dave!

It's all good!! :mrgreen: :oops:

The only anti I would give it is that I'm now watching episodes made post-9/11, and the subject matter in each episode is mostly terrorism based.

Still. There's men in uniform. Have I mentioned the men in uniform? ;)
Apr 29, 2009
Oh, and it's the biggest load of cheese you have ever seen in your life! And there's a bit of anti-British in there for good measure, too, though I confess to falling asleep during the one set in Northern Ireland!

The US Navy and US Marine Corps must have loved it. 42mins (on DVD, 1hr on the telly with commercial breaks!) a week of recruitment movie! :laugh:
Bouncy Castle said:
Oh, and it's the biggest load of cheese you have ever seen in your life! And there's a bit of anti-British in there for good measure, too, though I confess to falling asleep during the one set in Northern Ireland!

The US Navy and US Marine Corps must have loved it. 42mins (on DVD, 1hr on the telly with commercial breaks!) a week of recruitment movie! :laugh:
She like cheese! :0
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