What have you seen recently? 3

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Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
The Raid: Redemption. Don't know if I'll get up the nerve to watch the last one. When I was in New Mexico on a girls' trip, a waiter overheard me mention that I like kung-fu movies. Turns out he did too and he very animatedly told us about a movie he was going to see that night, which is the last one on my list. He made it sound pretty gory though. Kung-fu I like, gory, not so much.[/quote]
Got that out of the library a couple of nights ago. Watched about 20 minutes of it, then gave up. Kung Fu Hustle it ain't! The kung fu might have been good, but I didn't wait that long. Not trying to put you off though ;)[/quote]

Good to know! I'm the same way. I need to see something good quickly or I lose interest. Tried watching Little Big Soldier. Love Jackie Chan movies! But, I got bored before I got to any good action scenes.[/quote]
Well, there was action, it just wasn't kung fu. More like cutting people in two with machine guns. Maybe they had to resort to kung fu when they ran out of bullets :rolleyes: Not a good film![/quote]
The new Judge Dredd film I found was similar all the action taking place in a block,I had see the raid the week before Dredd, a nice little twist at the end of the film in the Raid. :mrgreen:


Dec 6, 2012
I've just watched the latest episode of Uchuu Kyoudai (space brothers) and I so want the dvd but I doubt that it will ever get released for the UK market but I'm hoping for either a region 1 or slightly cheaper region 0 release but I've got a long wait ahead of me to find out either way it's 52 episodes long and so far 37 episode have been aired
In the commentary for the original Raimi was talking about opening up the film for new filmmakers to tackle. kind of pulling a roger corman. basically saying here, take my movie and see what you can do with it. A way to give newbies experience at filmmaking.

I dunno if this was the result of that or something else though.


Jul 26, 2008
Michigan, U.S.A.
We had a family movie night, pizza and Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. Sequel to the recent Journey to the Center of the Earth. Wasn't expecting much, but it was actually pretty cute! Plus, it had The Rock in it. It's always worth the eye roll hubby does when I bring home a kids movie with him in it. :laugh:


Jul 28, 2008
What, Journey 2? I disagree. He'd be better suited to Evil Dead.

Having my own pizza & movie night, since the other half is out on the lash. Just had a Christmas Carol, now something with zombies in it :laugh:


Jan 11, 2010
Weert, The Netherlands
Just got back from Life of Pi which looked great, but I prefer the book (although the impact of the ending is probably best in whatever version you see/read first).

And it's The Hobbit tomorrow at 9:30. I was THAT sure that the world wasn't ending today :)
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