Well, I was the one who was late. I blame my chauffeur. Who was also the man giving me away. Who is also one of my best friends. Poor hubby was just about to break into a sweat when we arrived. I never did tell him that my friend also offered to be my getaway driver.
Hmmmm...... wondering if we could have a re-do on the wedding photos. Which would be harder, talking him into doing the stunt or talking him into renting the tux again? :think:
Definately going to watch "Giants The Dwarfs of Autchwitz" its on TV on Sunday ITV i think, As you've probably know i'm reading the Book on my Kindle, Having been to Autchwitz twice i've some idea what it was like Hell on Earth, I think everyone who has a chance should go there
Definately going to watch "Giants The Dwarfs of Autchwitz" its on TV on Sunday ITV i think, As you've probably know i'm reading the Book on my Kindle, Having been to Autchwitz twice i've some idea what it was like Hell on Earth, I think everyone who has a chance should go there
I've been to Dachau, so I know what you mean. There's an EXTRAORDINARY atmosphere there, and I don't think it's just the knowledge of what happened. It's like the evil and suffering left something in the air itself.
over the last few days I have seen
Oz the great and powerful, Frankenweenie and ParaNorman
all of which I enjoyed immensely
I tried to watch A haunting in connecticut 2 but I just couldn't get into it
I watched Kung Fu Panda on the iPlayer this morning. I know a lot of people liked it, but I wasn't sure I would. But I thought it was great!
I know it's not an original quote* but I did love the line in the film " Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present."
*“The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present.”
― Alice Morse Earle