I'm about half way though the pile of anime that was loaned me and well I've discovered a new favourite series
Soul eater it took me a few episodes to get into and my main thought when I first started watching it
was this is just like Bleach it's only now looking back that it's better than Bleach and has now been added to my shopping list
Backa and test nope I barely made it though the first episode and I found the concept of this anime confusing and slightly repulsive if a school is so rich it can afford to spread it wealth to help it's slower students than abandoning them in the worst classrooms with the least resources then spend all it's money on the most intelligent and resourceful pupils and pampering them with the very best that education can offer causing a elitist micro sociality
Clannad is it very nice looking, well voiced but is incredibly boring and I'll try one more episode before I give up on it