What have you seen recently? 3

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Bouncy Castle said:
Oh right. Crossed wires.

Martin Freeman is playing Bilbo, but I think Benedict is voicing a dragon, or somesuch.
Really? Didn't know that, cool! He has a nice voice... there was an episode where you first didn't see him you only heard him speak and I could've sworn it was Alan Rickman, but of course it wasn't him ( :p ), but only at that moment did I realize how much their voices sound the same...
Oct 10, 2009
Yesterday I saw an italian movie (Benvenuti al nord=welcome to the north)... boring boring is what it was. It was the sequel on last year surprise (benvenuti al sud=welcome to the south - surprise because it was good) and they ruined it. Good thing I didn't pay for it, it would have been money wasted.


Jan 11, 2010
Catch-up said:
Watched John Carter a couple of nights ago. We thought it was really good! Can't understand why it bombed at the box office. Although, I have to admit that we had no interest in going to the theater to see it.
enjoyed it too


Jul 25, 2008
John Carter is on my watch list. Glad to hear it's ok. While we were away we started watching The Decendants on DVD but got bored and ended up watching The Tourist which was at least a bit funny.


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City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I found John Carter an odd movie. It's certainly entertaining and fun while you are watching it, but instantly forgettable afterwards. I know I've seen it, but can't remember a thing about it - apart from the Luggage-like alien-dog thing. :laugh:
Tonyblack said:
I just got series 2 of Sherlock and have watched all three episodes now. Excellent stuff! :laugh:
Loved it! :laugh:

Yesterday I went to see Dance of the Vampires (the musical) and for a moment I was affraid that I like musicals after all... :p But I realized I didn't (Dance of the Vampires was excellent, mind you!), I just like the good music during a play, and I like it when a whole choir is singing on stage, but I still don't really like the fact that people are singing all their pain and love and hate instead of, you know, just talking :p it annoys me that a song ends, OK, great, it was a nice song, and then they seem to finally start a real conversation and then they start another song! :rolleyes: The speech/song proportion should be more equalized... ;)
Still, I had a great time yesterday, and the music really is amazing! I was almost dancing in my chair at some poinst :laugh: Also, it was really beautifully done, with really complex decor and moving stuff and whatnot... Ow, and my cello teacher was the cellist in the orchestra (that's how I got there in the first place)! :laugh:

It's these kind of parts that I like... (and you get a glimpse of HERBERT! made me laugh out loud! :laugh: )
Nov 15, 2011
Tonyblack said:
I just got series 2 of Sherlock and have watched all three episodes now. Excellent stuff! :laugh:
Just about to start watching S1. Missed it when it was on the telly. Looking forward to it.

Saw the Avengers. Was better than I thought it would be... Just.


Jul 26, 2008
Michigan, U.S.A.
Watched Priest a couple of nights ago. It was bad. It wasn't shut it off in the middle of the movie bad, but still bad. I never, ever want to hear an American accent coming out of Paul Bettany's mouth again. Not because he didn't do a good job. Just because it sounded so wrong. I love Paul Bettany and I LOVE his voice. Sorry, didn't mean to get carried away there. :shifty:


Jul 28, 2008
:laugh: I know what you mean though. I had no idea that Wayne Rigsby in The Mentalist wasn't American until I heard him speak in a documentary - he's Welsh! Sounded bizarre.

I saw Hunger Games. Not awful, but the ending sucked. Battle Royale was better. Actually, Running Man was better.


Jul 28, 2008
Ir's a compliment to their accents. Who really thought Anne Hathaway was from Yorkshire though? ;) (She was in One Day. Bless her, her accent was rubbish).
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