Tonyblack said:
I just got series 2 of Sherlock and have watched all three episodes now. Excellent stuff!
Loved it!
Yesterday I went to see
Dance of the Vampires (the musical) and for a moment I was affraid that I like musicals after all...

But I realized I didn't (Dance of the Vampires was excellent, mind you!), I just like the good music during a play, and I like it when a whole choir is singing on stage, but I still don't really like the fact that people are singing all their pain and love and hate instead of, you know, just talking

it annoys me that a song ends, OK, great, it was a nice song, and then they
seem to finally start a real conversation and then they start another song!

The speech/song proportion should be more equalized...
Still, I had a great time yesterday, and the music really is amazing! I was almost dancing in my chair at some poinst

Also, it was really beautifully done, with really complex decor and moving stuff and whatnot... Ow, and my cello teacher was the cellist in the orchestra (that's how I got there in the first place)!
It's these kind of parts that I like... (and you get a glimpse of HERBERT! made me laugh out loud!
