What have you seen recently? 3

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
One of the things I missed out on, not having a TV or, at the time, access to the Internet, was Life On Mars. I heard it was good, so when I saw series two (brand new still wrapped in cellophane) in a charity shop for £5, I got it. But I realised that it was necessary to watch season one first, so I got that from Amazon for £3 (inc. p&p).

I have watched the first two episodes so far and have enjoyed them a lot. :)


Jul 26, 2008
Michigan, U.S.A.
Now that we've watched all the way up to the new Doctor's appearance (have to wait until the new season comes to Netflix before seeing more), the girls decided they wanted to try the original series. We watched the first season, only 4 episodes thank goodness. The girls think it's hysterical, Derek and I can barely get through them. First episode - slowest fight scene ever!! And, it drove Derek nuts that they didn't explain anything about the Doctor, the Tardis or the people with him.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I don't think the writers really knew too much at the start either. I believe they originally sold the show to the BBC by suggesting that it would be educational and that the Doctor, his granddaughter and her two teachers would visit various historical events. But they did present the Doctor and Susan as being mysterious and hiding something. One important thing in the first episode, that has appeared now and again right to the present day, is the Scrap Merchants yard, that seems to be some sort of home base on Earth for the Doctor.

The glaring clue that says "I.M. Foreman" on the gate suggests that whatever he is, he is "for man". :)

The most recent version of this gate was in a recent episode and that was just up the road from me. :)


Dec 6, 2012
I've got a feeling that anime is trying to traumatise me
I sat thought the last episode of Tokyo Ghoul and even though I have seen gory anime before I have never seen anything quite like this it was horrifying and quite unlike the other 10 episodes of this series
most of the episode was of the main character Kaneki being violently tortured both physically and mentally over and over again and his way of emotionally coping with the flaws in his personalty, his future as a part ghoul and misfit using his new found inner strength to break free from his bonds and eat his captor
Nov 15, 2011
mirandashell said:
Sister Jennifer said:
Watching S2 of The Wire. Bit of a latecomer to this series, I'm really enjoying it.
The Wire is superb. It's the series I compare everything else to.
Ah yes, it's partly because of you that I started watching it. You made a comment on the ladies thread about Idris Elba being good in that series and that motivated me to start watching. I got hooked pretty quickly, I've seen up to S3 now.

Thanks Miranda :romance-kisscheek:
Jan 23, 2014
Sister Jennifer said:
Ah yes, it's partly because of you that I started watching it. You made a comment on the ladies thread about Idris Elba being good in that series and that motivated me to start watching. I got hooked pretty quickly, I've seen up to S3 now.

Thanks Miranda :romance-kisscheek:
You are most welcome! I'm a bit evangelical about The Wire so the more people I can get watching it the better.


Nov 14, 2009
North East England
Daughter has converted me to Studio Ghibli so I got her The Wind Rises for her birthday. I missed the usual villainous character with impossible moustache and right-wing views who meets a sticky end..........than realised that the villain was bigger than any of the human characters. Don't think this is a spoiler ;) One of the great films.


Nov 14, 2009
North East England
I know! Daughter has a few of them now and we tend to choose them above other films when we're not sure what to watch. I look for them in charity shops and have got lucky once or twice. They hold their price in the usual secondhand outlets like CeX. We're such geeks now that we go shopping with a wish-list of DVDs :ugeek: :laugh:
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