What have you seen recently? 3

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City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
MongoGutman said:
Tonyblack said:
I just watched Sin City. Brilliant! :laugh:
That was my reaction too. Did you get a resonance with Pulp Fiction? Maybe it's just the interlocking stories vibe...
I know what you mean, but I think it was the comic book style that was so well done and different that really appealed. The sort "Behind the scenes" special on the DVD was fascinating as it featured the original comic book artist, Frank Miller and his thoughts on the way the comics had been brought to life and how pleased he was with the results.

It's very violent, but in a way, it feels like comic book violence - almost so over the top that it doesn't count - if you know what I mean. :)


Sep 3, 2010
Bouncy Castle said:
If you are talking about the current BBC version of Sherlock, then it's the first time for ages that the actor has been able to use his real accent.

He's from the Republic of Ireland.
Moriarty from the recent film version is also Irish :laugh:
Nov 25, 2010
London UK
Bouncy Castle said:
Thanks for the link but, shiver me timbers, I wouldn't buy it - half the fun is seeking and finding for free download somewhere on the net ;)
Oct 10, 2009
Tonyblack said:
Crys, there really are only three episodes, but the double DVD contained the pilot episode, which was never shown on TV. A Study in Pink is actually a remake of that pilot.

My DVDs certainly have English subtitles because when we tried to watch it PBS in America, Sharlene had difficulty in understanding what they were saying, so when I bought the DVDs I checked that they had subtitles and have watched them with those subtitles.
I've checked again, to be sure, and there is no mention whatsoever to any subtitles. I can't understand why they didn't put them in, why do they do these things? It's the only British series I've ever seen in a store, and it doesn't have the english subtitles! Disappointed..


Jul 26, 2008
Michigan, U.S.A.
Bouncy Castle said:
If you are talking about the current BBC version of Sherlock, then it's the first time for ages that the actor has been able to use his real accent.

He's from the Republic of Ireland.
Really?! I'll have to watch again just to listen.
Nov 15, 2011
Saw a few episodes of s1 & 2 of Sherlock. Enjoyed very much. Especially chuffed to see Mark Gatiss as Mycroft. Have also been watching s2 of The Walking Dead. It's not too bad, I've read quite a few of the comics. The SFX are good but I laughed a few times. Some of the characters are hard to like.
Oct 10, 2009
I watched The Hunger Games, and it was pretty good, but the olographic stuff was absurd and out of place, and ruined the atmosphere for me. My bf (he's called Emi, you pronounce that like Amy) didn't like that bit too.

Has anyone seen it? Because I have a question, so I'll put it as a spoiler, and it's a big spoiler so don't read it if you haven't seen the movie:
The little girl called Rue that is friends with Katniss gets killed in front of her. Later Katniss fights with a girl when she goes to get the medicine, and that girl says she killed Rue, but we saw it was a boy killing Rue, and Katniss killed that boy with an arrow. So.. was she just lying to get Katniss upset? But Katniss was there, so she knew she was lying? I know that it''s a usual plot to have the attacker waste time talking so to have an excuse to get Katniss rescued by Rue's 'team-partner' , but it didn't make any sense, I mean less than usual, if it was just a lie... What did I miss here?


Jul 28, 2008
For Crys

The girl didn't know that Katniss had seen Rue's killer, so she thought she was making her mad which would make Katniss more likely to make a mistake during their fight. And she was pretty evil, so she wanted to torture Katniss before killing her. I agree it was a bit of a lame way to stall for time though.
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