What have you seen recently? 3

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Nov 14, 2009
North East England
The Colour of Magic, Hogfather and Going Postal in a huge binge just for their own sake.
Captain America: the Winter Soldier was (OK not what you'd expect a daughter to give her 'mature' mum for Mothers' day) accompanied by a box of chocolates and very good ;)


May 24, 2009

Tomb Raider the film. Just so I could giggle like a seven year old at Angelina Jolie sat astride a huuuge phallus-substitute to get one half of a key to the machine that can stop time... Pure tosh, but Im a member of the TR community too re-playing all my old TR Games ATMO.


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
Sister Jennifer said:
I saw Battle of The Five Armies (LOTR). I dunno about that one, What'd you all think?
Where did you see it? I've been trying to find a cinema here that will still show it, but they've all moved on. =(

I guess I'll have to wait until the Extended Edition comes out on DVD. Sure it might cost an extra ten bucks or so, but at least the movie will make more sense that way! =D
Nov 15, 2011
Well, I got it from JB Hi Fi didn't I. Blue ray edition and all that caper, innit.

Ah, seriously I read your post earlier today and instead of having a productive day off I put the special features on and watched that and now feel less flummoxed but guilty cause stuff didn't get done. The jury is still out on the actual battle though, was a bit too xboxy maybe.


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
It was? Oh dear... now I'm kinda in two minds about whether I should even bother with TH:BOTFA or not. :| I read Hobbit when very young, and I'm constantly kinda confused about what Peter Jackson's done with it. For instance:

That huge golden dwarf statue in the 2nd film that melts and covers Smaug with molten gold


Why why WHY did Legolas have to be in these movies when he wasn't even in the book??? I know he's supposed to be Thraunduil's son, so it makes sense, but...


The whole Tauriel-Kili romance thing. (The whole Tauriel thing, period). Why in the name of sanity...?

So, let me get this straight: if all these changes are made, does that mean that
Gimli returns in the 3rd movie too??? After all, as long as we're making stuff up (Tauriel etc.), let's go hog-wild!!!
:laugh: :p

Seriously, I believe that Gimli in LOTR (the books, that is, not the movies - in which he was simply the stock "jokey" axe-swinging ale-quaffing dwarf) was one of the best and most touching characters, and what PJ did with him was a travesty. But that's another story. :p

What's your view, hmm?
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
For such a small book he had to bulk it out a bit to appeal to people who had never read the book, although not cannon I think he did a really good job and overall I'm happy with it as the Hobbit was my favorite book in the LOTR saga. :laugh:

On another note I went to see Seventh Son, it's what I expected for a epic fantasy film, Dragons, Sorcereresses, Witches, Wizards, Trolls etc. Not brilliant but for me enjoyable enough with all the effects and a little twist in the tale may have a look at the book it was based on. :mrgreen:
Nov 25, 2010
London UK
I've been continuing to (re)watch Star Trek TNG - having got onto it through Mark Watches - been "watching ahead", although Oshiro is 3/4ths of the way through season 1 I'm halfway through season 3

Didn't mean to start this rewatch programe, but now I'm into it I'm thoroughly enjoying it. After a shaky start - season one was more miss than hit I think - once they find their characters the show goes from strength to strength - Patrick Stewart acts the pants off everyone on screen, regardless of the dross he's sometimes given to work with, Spiner's Data seems effortless - an indication of just how good it is when you consider how hard it must have been to maintain that balance, and then there's Dorn's Worf - on first broadcast I took a long time to warm to Worf but this time around it strikes me that from quite early on he's playing it mostly for laughs - not all the time, obviously, but when appropriate - and I'm finding him hilarious.
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