What have you seen recently? 3

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Nov 21, 2010
I've been watching a programme called The Good Place with Ted Danson no less, It comes across as very TP like. The main premise is a not very nice woman dies and ends up by mistake in The Good Place afterlife. It's very clever and very well done.

Before that I watched Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (new one). Really enjoyed it and miffed it only got 2 seasons albeit season 2 does end well. ☹️


Jul 28, 2008
Oh I liked The Good Place too, it was very light and easy to watch - unlike Stranger Things, which I like but its sooo dark.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Hey you two! Good to see you back here!!

In other news. I may have forgiven J.J. Abrams for his hijacking of the Star Trek franchise. I recently got the remaining two DVDs in the (so far) trilogy, and have been watching them. I needed to get over the complete rewriting of the Star Trek timeline and just try to enjoy the films as escapism. I think the second film is easily the best. I watched the third last night and there were huge parts of it that I had completely forgotten, having only watched it the first time a matter of weeks ago.


Jul 28, 2008
It's good to be back!

I've quite enjoyed the re-boot, but I haven't really got into the new series on Netflix - can't even remember what it's called right now. I just watched the pilot so far. But I remember being suspicious of TNG when that first started, so I just need to get over myself!


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I watched Inception last night and really enjoyed it. Funny story - I had heard it was a good film and saw a movie in a charity shop called Insurgent and mistakenly thought it was Inception. I watched about ten minutes of Insurgent before switching it off. I then found that it was part two of a trilogy and that explained why I didn't have a clue what was going on. I don't think I'll bother with getting part one. The impression I got was it was a Hunger Games knockoff.

Inception on the other hand was such an interesting film with so much going on in it.

I also watched the live action version of Ghost In The Shell. I have never seen the Anime version, so I can't compare. But I did think the the live action version was very good.


Dec 7, 2010
Tonyblack said:
I also watched the live action version of Ghost In The Shell. I have never seen the Anime version, so I can't compare. But I did think the the live action version was very good.
While the original anime film is fine, there's a LOT of navel-gazing, and it stripped out the humour that was present in the original manga. I haven't watched the live action film myself yet, but I do wholeheartedly recommend the TV anime series Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. While not as humorous as the manga, it's closer to the spirit of the manga, I feel, and has some interesting storylines. The geisha bots attack from the live action film is actually taken from the very first episode of Stand Alone Complex.

Both seasons have stories that are either standalone stories, or else form part of a wider story arc. The first season revolves around the mysterious Laughing Man, a cyberterrorist who seems to have it out for certain medical companies, and Section 9's investigation uncovers a wider conspiracy. The second season revolves around a refugee settlement, a terrorist group called the Individual Eleven (and its leader, Hideo Kuze, who lent his name and something of his character to one of the characters from the live action film), and a mysterious spymaster called Gouda.

Then again, the manga isn't without its charms, though you have to go into it with the right mindset (and the second manga series, Man-Machine Interface, is nigh-incomprehensible). There's a hilarious sequence (often censored for the English editions) where Batou is told to contact Motoko while she's on vacation. Unfortunately, she's in the middle of helping two of her girlfriends produce a cybersex simulation (blame Masamune Shirow), and Batou, while contacting her, links up with that...and is freaked out, if only because he's feeling sensations in organs that he doesn't have. In annoyance for interrupting her vacation time, Motoko promptly takes control of him and makes him punch himself in the face (Motoko does this a LOT in the manga).


Jul 28, 2008
Tonyblack said:
I then found that it was part two of a trilogy and that explained why I didn't have a clue what was going on.
I've seen part 1, and trust me, it doesn't fill in any gaps! I watched part 2, still with no clue, and I can't even remember either now so I won't bother with 3.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I just got back from the 10:30 am showing of Avengers - Infinity War. I won't post any spoilers except to say that there is a lot going on throughout the film. I enjoyed it - but I enjoy most super hero films.


Jul 28, 2008
I've completely lost where I am with the Avengers. I can't remember how many films there are of each of the characters, or if I've seen them or not. It's too confusing for my tiny brain! And Spider-Man may or may not be involved. I dunno *sigh*


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Lol! There are a lot of films! It turns out that Infinity War is in two parts - the second part to be shown next year. Coming up we have another Spiderman, another Guardians of the Galaxy, a Captain Marvel and a second Deadpool film.


Dec 7, 2010
Tonyblack said:
Lol! There are a lot of films! It turns out that Infinity War is in two parts - the second part to be shown next year. Coming up we have another Spiderman, another Guardians of the Galaxy, a Captain Marvel and a second Deadpool film.
Don't forget Ant-Man and the Wasp.


Dec 7, 2010
Tonyblack said:
Doh! I knew I'd missed one. :)
You should be completely and utterly ashamed of yourself. How can you possibly be a MCU fan if you don't know in excruciating detail what's coming up?

On a less facetious note, I've been watching Westworld. Actually, one of the more noteworthy characters in the TV series, Armistice, is played by Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, aka Angua from the Going Postal adaptation. In fact, I've found a clip where she (and her boss, Hector Escaton, played by Rodrigo Santoro, aka Xerxes from 300) rob a saloon, and Armistice shoots stuff up with a shotgun. To an instrumental Spaghetti Western version of Paint it Black. No, I'm not making that up. Here's the clip. Just be warned, a bit of graphic violence when someone gets shot in the head near the 4 minute mark.

Nov 21, 2010
Tonyblack said:
I just got back from the 10:30 am showing of Avengers - Infinity War. I won't post any spoilers except to say that there is a lot going on throughout the film. I enjoyed it - but I enjoy most super hero films.
I am still processing ;)
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