Spoilers, dammit! I haven't even finished the third season yet!
Nah, kidding.

I believe that, after enough years, the statute of limitations runs out, especially as the book that scene came from has been out for much longer, which I have read, BTW.
The sad thing is, they mentioned on a recent episode of
QI the 'spoiler paradox', where it's actually more enjoyable to read or watch something if you know how it turns out. I actually find that's the case for me, for the most part, so I don't mind spoilers, even if I seek them out on my own.
The consensus is that the sixth season was the last one of any real quality, and the last two seasons, which were more heavily derived from original material and whatever hints George RR Martin gave the showrunners, were where things went downhill.
Anyway, while we're on the subject of dark fantasy series where bad things happen to people who don't deserve it, I've been making my way through
The Rising of the Shield Hero, an anime series that revolves around a quartet of ordinary Japanese summoned to another world and made to bear special weapons...and Naofumi Iwatani, the titular Shield Hero, is falsely accused of rape after only two days on this new world (by Princess Malty Q Melromarc, who is basically like a dumber Cersei, and who only gets away with the crap she does because of her father doting on her and believing everything she says), and is basically rendered an outcast, and still has to fight against the waves of monsters threatening this world.
It's more than a little controversial, not least because the anime came out around the time of the Me Too movement, but I actually like it, partly because it subverts the usual 'effortlessly overpowered' tropes that infest
isekai shows like this. I've read the first four light novels, and have the episodes of the anime released to date. There's a second season coming out next month, though.
Here's the openings for the first season...