Watch the end titles out-takes - well worth staying for! :twisted: and the behind scenes video for Hunt for Gollum too.
They have another 'short' coming out in the Autumn this year - an hour-long movie Born of Hope about Strider's parents. This is a more engaging storyline with a better background laid out by Tolkien and it seems like the fan-fiction storyline they've woven into the 'canon' is better thought out with original characters brought in reasonably plausibly including a female warrior which should please most people (I'm pretty sure she's gonna go down though!
This next film looks more promising cinematically - not as unrelievedly dark as Hunt for Gollum for one, although that was always going to be a requirement as the little rat didn't like the light at all...
Already a little miffed with the portrayal of Elrond's sons in this next one though - they're mostly Elven and not a half-blood like daddy and nice to look at - but their 5 o'clock shadow was rather off-putting for we full-bloods...