TV shows... so many to enjoy!
I'm most excited about Lost at the moment, final season just started. Hope they end this well.
I watch Supernatural with my wife, also in it's last season. We prefer Dean to Sam
Current tv shows that I watch on my portal media player device thingie on my way to work by train include:
Simpsons - sticking with it till the end, although it's not as funny as it used to be.
American Dad/Family Guy/Cleveland Show - usually get a few laughs
Big Bang Theory - kind of hit-and-miss for me, they have some wonderful stuff, but some jokes are getting old
How I Met Your Mother - started off very strong (like My Name Is Earl) but dragging along now.
Two and a Half Men - to humour my colleague
Better off Ted - quirky
Parks and Recreation
The Office (much more sitcommy than the original version, but it did grow on me)
30 Rock
You do really notice that shows peak at season 2/3. You Brits have it all figured out: stop after a couple of seasons at a high note
Oh and I, too, enjoy Star Trek

Still have to get started on Doctor Who though.