In reference to supposedly "unmanly" telly shows, like Gilmore Girls, Glee, Moonlight, Gossip Girl etc, etc, etc. I'm a bloke who loves football, cricket, rugby league and boxing, revels in the films of John Woo, Quentin Tarantino, Neil Marshall, John Carpenter and John Milius and thoroughly enjoys shows like Stargate: SG1, 24, Burn Notice and Spartacus: Blood and Sand (I'm not allowed to talk on the phone for an hour after watching it, in fact, because I keep exclaiming "Jupiter's C**k!" whenever something is even mildly surprising. Not a good thing when it's the rep from credit card on the phone).
I'm also hopelessly addicted to Gossip Girl, Supernatural and actually roared at the television when in Gilmore Girls
***Spoiler *** (Highlight to read) >>> Lorelai dumped Luke and went off with Christopher well as not averse to watching a well made rom-com (even on my own). Manliness is being who you are and hiding it or apologising for it.

Also, if you're ever laughed at by work mates or school friends for your choice in "unmanly" entertainment, remind them that while they're all talking to each other about last nights episode of Top Gear and whatever Clarkson is wittering on about this week,
you're talking to a gang of women about your shows.