Thanks for that!
Loved the Irish wolfhound in the clip,on thursdays like today,i've got this litlle fellow with me...
Eagan can always count on turning some heads.
But turning to TV-themes,probably my favourite is this :
Somehow although it shouldn't work/fit it just does...
Music iMO is usually very underrated as part of the succes/failure of a film/series etc..
As an example my eye was caught while surfing channels by 'The Edge of Darkness' and when i excitedly turned the TV to that channel,i was quite disappointed to find it to be the Mel Gibson/Hollywood-version.
Not only because the BBC-series couldn't be much improved anyway,but more still because i was expecting/hoping for bits of this haunting piece of beautiful musicscore :
Ah well,such is life,now i've got it on a youtube list anyway,thanks again!
Ps Joan Whalley. :romance-admire:
could have been the reason,that as an atheist(/agnost at best) i still sometimes pray to(commune with?

Who am i kidding,she is!