I am a member of another forum, which specifically discusses Doctor Who. The membership is, in theory, made up of fans of the show, but there's a lot of negativity there.
Well, here, you have someone with a more biased opinion of making them out to be great. That being said, there are stories I detest: the worst of the worst are The Ark, Four to Doomsday, and The Twin Dilemma.
A while back, on the CA board, they were all getting really excited about each episode, only to pull it to pieces once they'd seen it. The same thought crossed my mind then.
This whole online dissection thing is as old as the Internet itself--well, as old as the old alt.news groups. Which was where the most famous online fanboy episode putdown of all time was created, in the most anal-retentive, hypercritical TV episode forum, the Usenet Simpsons forum. Of course, we speak of the now legendary meme:
Don't get me wrong, I dissect episodes as I am watching them, but I also try to watch them in the context of the time. That was one of the advantages of seeing the series in order (as I did recently), as you could actually see the show evolving over time.
....okay then... you are forgiven. You forgot to mention Picard (only man with no hair I ever thought wuz sexy! Well maybe Vin Diesel... but thats it....)
Q said:
Plus, the Borg are SO much a ripoff of the Cybermen
They USED to Bouncy.... but what they do is put it up on the internet ABC site the next day..... and it gets hit so hard by people to view Dr Who that the Dr Who hits justify the whole low ratings of every other minute of the site.
Excuse me, but not only did the Cybermen get there first, they did it better. I mean, sod "You will be assimilated", there was a much better line used at the end of The Tomb of the Cybermen, episode 3.